Monday, August 08, 2005

It's Great to Work From Home...or from the Pool

I admit, I love working from home. I love the freedom that comes with being my own boss. It's been a little over a year since I "retired" from my full-time (more like doubletime) job to start my own business and be home with my daughter.

Why am I bringing this up today? Well, like I mentioned a couple of days ago, I camehere to sunny Florida for a little R&R (Revenue and Relaxation), adn we decided to visit some family while we were here. We had booked flights to return home tomorrow, but last night we decided we'd like to stay another day. After all, we have no boss to report home to, no worries, so we changed the fare and now we're headed out on Tuesday afternoon.

So we spent the day with my great aunt who is 94 years old and sharp as a tack. She has excellent hearing, pretty good vision and she walks better than some of my 70-year old relatives (I won't name names). It amazes me that she can keep up with her great-great neice, (my daughter) who is now 18 months old. She is so impressed that my little munchkin already knows her colors, her shapes and she can count to three. Plus she has a vocabulary of about 100 words, and the list is constantly growing. Not that I'm bragging, but I like to think I had a hand in that.

I mean, if I wasn't home and she was in daycare, do you think they would be giving her as much attention during her most impressionable learning years? Doubtful. Not to knock daycares, some are good, but with so many kids and responsibilities they simply don't have the time for intense one-on-one attention.

One of the most rewarding things about my work is helping people to "leave their job and live their dreams." (and don't think you can snag my catchy tag line, because I've just had it copyrighted!) I like to think I'm helping to create stay at home families (prosperous ones, at that). Seriously, what better gift can children have than a life wiht their parents and the money and freedom to grow up and be whatever they want?

Here's a toast to everyone who values the importance of teaching our children: Hip, hip, hooray!


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