Monday, March 02, 2009

Call Me Crazy, But I'm Doing It Again...

Yep, you might call me crazy for this, and it wouldn't be the first time.

2 reasons why:

1 - I am about to follow spiritual guidance that makes no logical sense.

2 - My husband made an outrageous suggestion and I'm actually listening to him.

Here's the deal:

Just yesterday I was talking with Jen (a friend and colleague) and she received some information intuitively that I confirmed with my own Truth Testing method.

I am being called to launch a new teleclass (even though right now the Incredible Shrinking You teleclass is still underway) THIS WEEK. Yes, this week.

What's so strange about that? Well, normally there are weeks of planning that go into any launch I do. Not this one. I'm being invited to allow myself to follow Spirit (immediately! as in, TODAY) and see where it takes me.

Does that sound nuts to you? Or perfectly sane? We shall see.

It makes no logical sense to me. It normally takes me 2 solid days and a LOT of hours just to put together a decent sales page for a launch.

But Jen got that that was the OLD way I did things and it doesn't really apply now. Have you noticed that things happen very differently now than they used to just a few months ago? At times it can be a little unnerving, but the payoff is always HUGE for following guidance from our Highest Selves.

Even though I think it's at least a little crazy, my soul resonates with it, so I'm going for it.

And as for the 2nd point I mentioned above....

My husband suggested that I do ANOTHER incremental sale for this teleclass.


I definitely thought he was nuts.

After all, I normally charge around $200-$500 for any teleclass I do. An incremental sale would be crazy, right? Especially with all the confusion that arose around last week's sale!!

Besides, I JUST DID an incremental sale last week. Will people really want another one so quickly? Maybe it's too soon...

But I listened as he explained his perspective:

Lots of folks missed out on the sale because they didn't get their emails in time. Or because they didn't act fast enough.

Sure, it would be unfair to do another incremental sale with the GetClear! product -- that wouldn't be fair to all those people who purchased at $24 or less (or even at $97).

But a NEW incremental sale would give more people the chance to play and get a great deal.

AND it would give a lot more people the opportunity to participate in a teleclass that they might not otherwise be able to afford.

It was sounding less crazy and more and more sane the longer he kept talking.

So I'm going for it.

PLEASE watch your email this Thursday at 3PM U.S. Eastern time.

And if you're not already receiving emails from me, then click here to sign up for my free newsletter so you won't miss out.


Just so there's no confusion :-) here's an explanation of how the sale will work. (You will see this same explanation in all the emails I send out over the next few days.)

At 3PM Eastern time (2PM Central, 1PM Mountain and 12Noon Pacific) the sale will begin. The price of this $270 product will START at $17. After every few sales, the price will go UP by $10 increments. That's what we call an "incremental sale."

So in other words, at 3PM Eastern, the price is $17. After a few people buy, the price goes up to $27. After a few more people buy, the price goes up to $37. Then to $47. Then to $57. At which point, the price STILL represents about an 80% savings. The price will keep going up by $10 increments after every few sales UNTIL it reaches the regular selling price of $270.

At that point, when the sale price is $270, I will unleash my promotional partners and they will fill up any remaining slots in the teleclass. (You'll still be able to buy it for $270, but only while I still have room. My conference bridge only holds 200 people at a time.)

But WHAT is the product? What's the teleclass all about?

I would love to tell you that right now, but I can't. More details are coming about it tomorrow. I'm still processing this "download" of guidance I received and I've got to get clear about it before I can share it with you.

I suppose that's one of the hazards of this "let guidance guide you" process, eh?

Oh I almost forgot. There is one more unique twist to this sale.

This time, there's no upsell. None. Nada. Zip.

(Just in case you didn't know, an "upsell" is what you call it when you buy something and someone does the whole "you want fries with that?" deal, asking you to buy something more at the same time.)

So whatever you pay for the teleclass is whatever you pay for the teleclass and that buys YOU the exact same package (with all bonuses, etc) as everyone who pays the full $270 for the course.

OK my friends, I will post details tomorrow about WHAT the teleclass is and what it can do for you.

Until then -- sweet dreams!!


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