Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Seasonal Thoughts to Ponder

*** A Seasonal Thought...or Two ***

As we gather together
With family and friends,
We are reminded of our many blessings.

Now is not the time to bicker and snip
Now is the time to laugh and sip
Our favorite beverage in the midst of love.

Whatever you believe
About this time of year,
There is one thing we all have in common.

We take time during this season
To remember the reason
That we cherish these moments each year.

Hanukkah, Festivus, Kwanzaa and Christmas
Are all reasons to celebrate LOVE.

The greatest power, the greatest force,
The greatest equalizer known to us,

The greatest of all things is LOVE.

So take time to mend fences,
Bridge gaps, spread forgiveness--
Let go of old hurts from the past.

Because no one can hurt you
Without your permission.
Choose to release them,
And see that those old feelings can't last.

Now is the time to live in the moment,
to celebrate joy, to glorify peace.
Now is the time to give thanks for the present(s),
To kick off a new year with a blast.

And when you open your heart to embrace LOVE,
and only LOVE,
You will find all you seek...
Finally, at long last.


Here in the Grant home, we celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah but most importantly we strive to always remember to LOVE.

Happy Holidays to you, and I can't wait to connect with you in the New Year.

And speaking of connecting in the New Year, I would love to meet you at THIS power-packed event in L.A. on Saturday, January 10th. Details and signup are all posted here.

I have attended *many* of these particular events in the past, and without a doubt, I have found them to be massively impactful. Yeah, it's THAT good.

Here's an audio sample of the kind of things you would hear or learn or experience at this provocative event.

And if 2009 is the year you are *FINALLY* going to achieve your longest-standing Weight Loss Goals, then please join me for the Incredible Shrinking You 13-week teleclass (begins in January), led by myself and alternative healing coach
Jennifer Ripa-Edson. Details and signup can be found by clicking here.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I will talk to you soon.

P.S. Are you following me on Twitter yet?


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