Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's Time for You to Quit Procrastinating on This...

If you're like 80% of the U.S. population, you have desires (big or small) to "someday" write a book.

80%. That's a lot. I'd love to know what part of that 80% actually WRITES a book before they die.

My guess would be less than 10%.

If you've got concerns about the economy, you DEFINITELY deserve to be getting into action and publishing an e-Book. I'm talking ASAP.


Because it's a fast, easy-entry, profitable stream of revenue.

And what about you? Have you thought/talked/dreamed/speculated about writing a book?

So why haven't you? (If you actually have written a book, bravo! Now let's get on to your next book.)

Why haven't you written that book that's inside you, crying to get out?

Now that's the $1,000,000 question isn't it?

I know some people have a lot of blocks around writing.
Or being an author.
Or wondering whether what they have to say has any real value.
Or if it's all already been said before.
Or if it's nothing special, nothing new.
Or if anyone will buy it.
Or having the time to write.
Or having the money to publish.
Or get published.
Or knowing enough.
Or I don't know what to write about.
Or "who do you think YOU are to write a book?"

I could go on and on. Any of these resonate?

And of course, there are many of us who think writing is a painful path. Agonizing.

Look at this quote I came across today from a professional, published, successful writer:

"Before I had first done so, writing a book seemed a fine, even grand thing. And so it still seems -- except, truth to tell, it is a lot better to have written a book than to actually be writing one. Without attempting to overdo the drama of the difficulty of writing, to be in the middle of composing a book is almost always to feel oneself in a state of confusion, doubt and mental imprisonment, with an accompanying intense wish that one worked instead at bricklaying."
--Joseph Epstein

Yikes. That does sound painful.

But only because he believes it MUST be painful.

So what do YOU believe?

Do you believe you can write a book in oh, say, a week or two? Self-publish it as a bound tangible book or an ebook? Sell it and make a tidy profit? Change the world? Change someone's mind? Make people laugh? Make people think? Open doors for people?

Maybe you just need someone to show you some tricks. How to access higher vibrations, higher realms, to get the info you need and get your practical, logical, rational brain OUT OF THE WAY.

This is what's coming down this pike THIS THURSDAY. Watch this quick video, I'll explain:

As I posted yesterday on this very blog, this Thursday at 3PM Eastern time I am launching this teleclass in a very special way.

It's called an incremental sale.

After the sale, this "6th Dimension Writing" teleclass will sell for $270. And believe me, it WILL sell for that price. Even at that price, it's still a steal -- cheaper than a single private 1-hour phone session with me!

On Thursday 3/5 at 3PM Eastern time, this brand-new teleclass will LAUNCH at $17 and will increase by $10 increments after every few sales, up to the max price of $270.

If you want to be among the first to get the buy link for the incremental sale, you've got to get on my newsletter mailing list so you can stay in the loop.

Because isn't it high time you quit procrastinating and finally wrote that book that's been calling to you?

Everyone stands to win!


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