Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Back Home in New Orleans

We just got back in town, and it feels gooooood to be home again. (Well, at least until we leave for Scottsdale, AZ in about 10 days!)

Here's a cool fact: my daughter is only 18 months old and she's already been on 11 trips by plane. I can't help but laugh when I meet people in the airport and they ask if it's her first flight. Ha! In most cases, she's flown more often than the person asking! She's so good, though, it's easy to bring her along. It's great to have the flexibility to do that. In some ways, I'm probably overcompensating a bit because I never went anywhere as a child. I got my first taste of travel with some friends in college, and then I was hooked.

Here's your "ponderable" for the day: If you could visit any place in the U.S. (where you haven't already been), where would it be and why?

Until tomorrow, keep dreaming of fabulous travel adventures!


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