Success Goes With The Flow...Sometimes
You might remember that old country song "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run..."
(In case you think I'm dating myself by asking that, I'll go ahead and REALLY date myself now: I remember that song from "Urban Chipmunk" with none other than Alvin adn the Chipmunks. It was a Christmas gift one year! LOL!)
Anyway, that song about sums up what it takes to be successful.
Put another way:
sometimes, the path to success is going with the flow and not rocking the boat. Sometimes, success means the boat should not only be rocked, but flipped over...or sunk.
Successful people seem to have a natural knack for figuring out which is the right move at the right time. Some call it luck, some call it good fortune, others call it "blessed" or attribute it to serendipity But that's a bunch of hogwash.
It's intuition. Period.
Successful people listen to their intuition which NEVER steers us wrong. How many times have you said (or heard someone say) "I should have known!" or "I had a really bad feeling about that" or "something was telling me not to do that!" or "I had a strong feeling I should do this, even thouhg it made no sense." Intuition works every time, but we can get confused when ego gets in teh way.
How does Ego interfere, you ask?
Simple. Ego has only two motives:
Look good, or
Don't look bad.
That is our prime driving force of our conscious mind at all times. It is only when we allow our true self, or subconscious mind, to guide us that we can be authentic and achieve massive success.
For example, intuition (subconscious mind) may be gently pushing you to do or say something. But our "rational" or conscious mind is saying "What? I can't say that--I'll sound ridiculous! They might laugh at me. No one will listen to me. I don't want to do it."
All this "monkey chatter" gets in our head and prevents us from following those gentle nudges.
Successful people have learned to trust their intuition and act on it. The more you can do that, the closer you will get to your goals, and the more successful you can be.
Monkey chatter can also interfere with what our intiution is guiding us away from. Let's say you REALLY want something. Ego thinks we will look good if we buy this/enter into this business transaction/get that. Intuition says "don't do it! Wait!" But Ego really wants it. So we do or say or buy something that isn't good for us, only to find out that if we had passed it up, something better would be waiting.
And intuition is stamping its feet, saying "I told you to wait! I knew this other thing was much better for you and if you had only listened to me you'd have that now!!!!!"
Apparently all those "flighty" sayings (can you hear Ego talking now?) actually have some merit. You know what I'm talking about:
"Follow your heart!"
"Chase your dreams!"
"Listen to your heart!"
"Trust your intuition"
"Go with your gut"
"Let your heart be your guide"
If you want success, trust your intuition. Adn don't worry about looking bad. No one's looking at you anyway--they're all too worried about looking good themselves!!!
Your question for today:
Can you agree to trust your intuition--just for today--and act on those subtle urges and nudges, and see where it gets you?
P.S. Thanks for reading - our Alexa ranking has climbed and climbed adn we finally broke through teh 100,000 barrier! We appreciate our readers! :-)
I absolutely agree that you should trust your instincts!! Many don't and make serious mistakes in life as a result.
you said it, donna
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