Friday, January 20, 2006

The Benefits of Massage

aaaaaaaaaahhhh, who doesn't love massage? New age music tinkling in the background, deep breathing and complete relaxation as your massage therapist's magic hands go to work on tension and built-up energy.

Have you heard of Massage Envy? I apologize if I've written about this before, but it's such a great concept! Sadly, not available all over the U.S. yet, but some lucky cities are really in for a treat. Sure, there are other knock-offs, but Massage Envy is the best and most stable in my opinion.

Basically, you pay $39 a month for membership (incidentally, I'm just sharing this with you. I've got no financial motivation whatsoever to do this. I just think people in general would be a lot less stressed out (and less road rage) if everyone got regular massages. That's it. I kinda wish I did get a referral fee or something, since I've told soooooo many people about it!) and you get a one-hour massage every month. You can set up a standing time, standing person, whatever. You can gift massages for $39 apiece. You can get EXTRA massages for $39 each. Whtaever you want. If you miss a month, no worries, you can get 2 next month at no extra charge. You can bring your spouse. It's a great concept.

Plus, in talking with teh massage therapists who work there (sometimes I talk, sometimes I sleep, depends on my mood during the massage), most are really pleased to get regular, steady work as opposed to making a little more money per massage, but having to schlep gear or give most of it back to the spa where they work. They get steady hours and can work as much or as little as they want. Everybody wins.

Don't you love win-win-win sitautions? I really do.

You know, I sometimes ask the people I coach to finish this sentence: "If I really loved myself, I would..." and you would be surprised how many people say "I'd get a massage every month." or every week in some cases.

So why so many of us save massages for "special occasions"? Why is there actually guilt at indulging in a massage?

You know you can't share from an empty cup, so you gotta take care of #1 before you can assist anyone else. I say go for the monthly (or weekly) massage. Massage Envy sure makes it easy and affordable for you.

Check it out, you certainly deserve it.

And here's your QoD:
What would YOU do if you really loved yourself?

Well, why not go do it? and start loving the most importnat person in your life: YOU


At 11:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, being a massage therapist, i do agree steady work is important. but this company is depreciating the value of a massage. let me ask u this "have you received a professional massage for $65 for an hour?" is there going to be a difference in the massage quality you recieve considering, i know i wouldnt be very motivated to receive only $15 for giving a massage. that's ridiculous. and you're not guaranteed steady work. ive been to the company meetings where they have tried to lure therapists in. they also claim that therapists receive benefits, but you only receive them if you work full time. well, 4 hours a day is pretty well for a therapist, not 8. You people need to consider the other important details to this idea because im not putting my body and health at risk for just $15 an hour. i might as well go back to retail. i really want to generally help people, but i need to be able to help myself too.

At 1:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. After 6 months of membership in that company, I became disappointed with teh quality of my massages. I completed my contract (6-month minimum) and now I only get massages from local, individual massage therapists. I would disagree wtih you that "this company is depreciating the value of a massage" -- I would say instaed "you get what you pay for" and that's why I no longer settle for substandard massages. So buck up! :-)

p.s. don't go back to retail -- retail sucks. and it is enough to make you hate Christmas, and I wouldn't wish that on anyone!

At 2:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I own a massage clinic and have been watching Massage Envy outfits opening up all around us here in Seattle. What I can tell you is that for every positive thing I hear about this Franchise, I hear 10 times as much negative. Personally I find them to be a disgrace to the industry. They promote low quality and massage therapist burn-out under the guise of 'affordability.' Do some research and then choose to patronize a business that has some heart - not Massage Envy

At 12:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been a massage therapist for 25 years and have seen operations like Massage Envy pop up from time to time. They lowball the price and offer substandard bodywork usually from massage therapists fresh out of school or people that are incapable of creating their own client base. They are already creating trouble for their franchisees by overselling franchises that now compete with each other for market share in close proximity. The result as reported in a recent Forbes magazine article is that they many are unable to staff their facilities as a great backlash has occured with former employees speaking out and experienced MT's who refuse to see our profession reduced to a business with the same marketing concepts as "Earl Scheib" or "Supercuts" voicing our concerns. They are already on the downward slide of a fast rush of growth. People generally don't short change themselves when it come to self care. The best MT's work for no one but themselves. They are still thriving and are worth finding. You may pay a little more but you're worth it.


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