Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Pixel Marketing For Success

Have you heard of this new pixel marketing craze?

Here's the short story:
a college kid needed money to pay for school, so he came up with a great idea. He set up a webpage and sold 10x10 blocks of pixels (a pixel is one tiny speck on your computer screen. Not a very scientific definition, but you get the idea, and a 10x10 block of pixels is about the size of the head of a pin) to his friends and family to raise some cash. The friends adn family could put a little image or something or a link to their website in their pixel block.

The idea really caught on and he decided he could make a little entrepreneurial venture out of it. So he started blogging and writing articles. Next thing you know, he's in the Wall Street Journal! How's that for successful?

This whole concept has mushroomed into a phenomenal wave -- what some are calling the next marketing method. Can you imagine if you had gotten in on pay per click marketing when it first started to get hot? Yeah, that's where pixel marketing is right now.

Here at New Success, we are hosting a LIVE free teleconference about pixel marketing this Thursday night at 9PM Eastern standard time. We love new stuff, and we are always ready to ride the wave of success!

If you want to get the insider scoop on this new hot trend, register here - it's totally free (except for any regular long distance charges you may incur from your phone company).

See you tomorrow night at 9PM Eastern!

Oh, and lest I forget your qeustion du jour:

What is the last breakthrough idea YOU jumped on before the wave crested?


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