Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Intensity of Your Troubles...

I once heard that the slower you are to learn a lesson, the more intense the problems get.

Let me explain:
You attract challenges (aka Problems) into life because there is a lesson you need to learn from each one.

If you don't learn the lesson, the problem returns with greater intensity until you finally learn the lesson.

Now, this bit of wisdom I recently stumbled across again (attracted) also says that if you can learn the lesson, you don't need to have the problem. Hmmm, interesting.

Verrrrry interesting.

You know, at one point, we were considering bankruptcy. I just didn't see any other way out of it, and it seemed like a good idea. But I hated the idea that my credit would be shot for 7 years. I didn't really want to pay cash for everything. But I didn't see any other way...so I started checking into the whole bankruptcy thing.

And then I realized that the only reason I was considering bankruptcy was because there was a lesson to learn. What is the lesson, I thought?

Once I realized what the lesson was, I asked myself sincerely: can I learn this lesson without the intensity of bankruptcy?

And after a little insight, I realized I could.

So I did. I absorbed the lesson and began applying it into my life immediately -- just the same way I would if I HAD filed bankruptcy and learned the lesson "the hard way."

And guess what happened?

Everything started to shift. And I mean everything. Money started coming in from all directions. It was amazing, because it literally ALL started to turn around within a week!

What a great lesson that was. Not only the lesson I learned from impending bankruptcy, but the lesson I learned in avoiding bankruptcy!

You know, we humans are pretty powerful creatures. Do you know how powerful you are? Nah, I suspect none of us will truly grasp that concept here on earth. But I am definitely making progress.

So now, any time a challenge comes up, I can potentially head it off at the pass by searching for the lesson, and learning the lesson. Without the pain. Without the challenge. Without the problem. Isn't that lovely? OF course, sometimes the problem/challenge/pain just sort of jumps out at us from nowhere and slaps us upside the head. Those are hard to avoid.

In any case, your question for today is this:

What impending problem can you avoid by searching for and absorbing the lesson? Are you willing to take the mental time required to do this? or are you content to endure the pain associated with the lesson?


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