Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ready to Look Good Naked?

By now I'm sure you've seen the new show "How to Look Good Naked" with Carson Kressley. I first fell in love with that flamboyant fashion maven in Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and now he's back and better than ever in this new show. (and deeper than a puddle, too -- it's downright touching how much he obviously cares about helping women love their bodies, no matter what)

I don't know about you, but when I watch the show, I think "I want THAT experience"

To know what it feels like to do the "lineup"
To know what people think about my body -- REALLY
To get fitted by the "bra whisperer"
To enjoy a long, luxurious spa day -- for the sole purpose of feeling pampered and beautiful (and cherished!) all day long
To go shopping for clothes that flatter -- instead of settling for what's comfortable
To enjoy a full-on hair and makeup makeover
To have a nude photo shoot
and the whole package!

As many of you know, I've been undergoing my own self-makeover. One step at a time, so as not to put myself into self-image shock. First the hair (remember, I had the girl with the fabulous hair show me how to tame my mane?) then the makeup (thank you, Trish McEvoy -- I LOVE ya babe!) and then accessories (stay tuned for more about my new Fluent jewelry line...healing jewelry that ROCKS) and I am dabbling in fashion experimentation at the moment.

And all the while, I'm clearing HEAPS of limiting beliefs around body and self-image.

Of course, I know better than to try and do this on my own. After all, you've probably heard me say more than once that every successful person I know (including ME) has coaches, mentors, virtual boards of directors and advisors, and a whole entourage of models with footsteps to follow in, and I'm no exception!

I solicited help from my friend Marna Goldstein, creator of Marna is the "Non-Diet Diva" and she is AMAZING. And one day we were talking about how much we loved Carson's show and it hit us like a lightning bolt --

doesn't EVERY woman deserve to have a "Feel Good Naked" experience?

So that's exactly what we're gonna bring you.
Watch out world, here comes Marna Goldstein and Amy Scott Grant in Feel Good Naked NOW!

Register here for the info-packed preview call and get a "taste" of what we'll offer in the full-blown course.

If you're ready to love your body NOW and you want a "look good naked" experience, then you deserve to be in this live, interactive teleclass course!

The fun begins soon, so don't delay -- register now.

QoD: Have you ever taken the time to really evaluate the negative self-talk you repeat about your body? What would it be like to mute that permanently and replace the tape with something fresher and more authentic? What would it feel like to really LOVE what you see in the mirror --every day, no matter what??

Go for it!


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