A Christmas Wish for You
If you're signed up for my SuccessSecretsRevealed newsletter, you already received a copy of my Christmas wish for you, but in case you haven't, here it is:
My Christmas wish for you is a holiday that's
filled with gratitude and peace.
Where every moment is a blessing,
every smile is a joy to see,
every gift is dripping with generosity and forethought,
every encounter is authentic and kind,
every invitation is extended from the heart,
every 'thank you' is an expression of deep appreciation,
every light and bell brings a smile to your face,
every person you meet seems filled with grace.
May your Christmas be spent with those of your
own choosing,
with warm and toasty snuggles by the fire (or by the
swimming pool if you happen to live in Australia or NZ).
May you have as much time off from work as you like,
and may you dine on only the best selection of your
very favorite foods.
May you create a new tradition,
may you release any sense of obligation,
and may you give freely from the spirit of your Highest Good.
May you feel a deep sense of satisfaction when
Christmas day has passed, and a sense of renewal and
rejuvenation, ready for what is to come.
May your 2007 Christmas be the best Christmas yet,
and may your every wish come true.
This is my Christmas wish for you, dear friend.
Merry Christmas.
from Amy Scott Grant
BTW, I wrote this using the Fluent Writing method. There's still time to sign up for the full 7-week teleclass if you haven't already done so. Just click here: Fluent Writing Signup.
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