By One 100th of a Second...
We've been watching the Beijing Olympics every day since the Opening Ceremony and I gotta tell you, this 1/100th of a second thing is throwing me for a loop.
I mean, can you even fathom what 1/100th of a second is?
Let's put it into perspective, ok? What letter do you see here?
If you're slightly quicker than average, it took you about a HALF a second to recognize that letter as a "k." A half a second is 50/100ths of a second, which is about FIFTY TIMES greater than the difference between Michael Phelps' Gold Medal time in the 100m Butterfly yesterday, and Milorad Cavic's Silver Medal in the same race.
We're talking about quicker than the blink of an THAT is a close race!

And what exactly was the difference between these 2 athletes?
Arguably, you could say:
1. It was a tie, but Michael Phelps fingers are longer so technically he won
2. Michael Phelps gave that extra half a stroke while Milorad Cavic coasted in
3. It was just a race like any other race, and it happened to be on a day that "counted" and so people are making a big deal out of what isn't a big deal
4. Phelps wanted it more than Cavic
Personally, I'm leaning toward reason #4. Michael Phelps just wanted it more. You can literally feel the guy's drive and determination to hit his goal of 8 gold medals in a single Olympics -- he can't see anything else but that.
Even when his competitors start talking trash (Cavic was reported to have said "If I beat him, it will be good for him" prior to the race) it only fuels his fire.
So what's Michael Phelps' secret? Other than training 8-12 hours a day?
Well, for starters, he admitted how much he uses his imagination -- when other people told him it couldn't be done, or he needed to rethink his goals, he would visualize himself winning, achieving what other said was impossible.
Secondly, you could consider that he had little to no beliefs that said he COULDN'T do it. You know, those pesky limiting beliefs that try to convince you that you can't do what you want to do. Yeah, I'd wager Phelps had less than 50 of those coming into the games, and right now, he probably has 5 or less.
I am a firm believer that once you clear all the limiting beliefs that are blocking you (can show up like fears, old wounds, doubts, or simply beliefs about it), you can achieve absolutely anything.
Look at me -- after more than a decade of using every plan and method under the sun to lose weight (and succeeding a couple of times -- temporarily -- and only by the sweat of my brow or by severe restriction of my wants and needs), I decided to take a different approach.
This January, I started clearing truckloads of limiting beliefs around my body, weight, mass, sex appeal, being seen, and about 40 other topics that you wouldn't think were related to weight. And after months of digging and clearing and digging and clearing, finally, I struck gold.
I dug down to the major kingpins in my belief network, and man, they were NOT what I was expecting. And after clearing them, I am now easily and effortlessly reshaping my body. I'm not dieting, I'm not forcing myself to "exercise" and I'm not denying myself one damn thing. And in the past 3 weeks, I have reduced my overall body fat percentage by about 7.5%. Without denial or pain! or pills or surgery! I'm loving it.
And I'll tell you exactly how I did it, too! But more about that coming soon...
The point I'm making here is that if you clear the beliefs, and then take action, and NEVER give up -- just keep rocking until that last 1/100th of a second, you WILL prevail! You will emerge victorious.
Even last night -- I was at a networking event for a new local group that's forming in my town. Truth be told, I've never actually been to a networking group! But this was fun, and I decided I wanted to join. And they asked me to put my business card in the fishbowl, they were drawing for prizes.
"What kind of prizes, I asked?"
Turns out it was for t-shirts and other crap I don't want or need -- BUT they were also drawing for free memberships to the group. "Ah!" I thought. "Now I would like to win that!"
Later in the event, my husband asked if it was optimal for us to join. "I don't know about you," I said, "But I'm winning my membership."
Three names were drawn, and I was only slightly surprised when the third name was called and it wasn't mine. But I wasn't disappointed -- which means I wasn't attached.
And lo and behold, the 3rd person they called had already left, and you must be present to win, soooooooooooo can you guess what happened next?
They drew another card, and of course it was MINE. Congratulations to me.
See? A lot can happen in the last second (or 1/100th of a second). So the key is to stay focused on your intention and NEVER, NEVER give up.
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