Solar Eclipse and a New Moon...Means What, Exactly?
Today there was a solar eclipse and a New Moon. So what does that mean?

Well, to be completely honest, it means nothing. Or it means whatever you think it means. New Moon is often the time when we create newly, when we set intentions and allow the power of the moon to assist in manifestation.
And as for a solar eclipse, well some may say it represents a "reset button" for us earthly beings. A tiny winking out of the sun marks the end of one era and the beginning of another. Others say this time represents healing, or the opening of a portal.
But I'm not one to take what others say at face value. (You know me well enough by now to know that, don't you?)
So you - what do YOU say it means? Because I would venture to say that for you it will mean whatever you think it means.
As for me, I'm not getting any earth-shattering info on this, and since my goal is to THINK LESS, I'm not concerned about it.
But I do always love hearing what you think, so feel free to post a comment.
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