The Money Game - Playing to Win
My friend Chad Cameron sent me this today in an email and I LOVED it so I called him up and got permission to share it with you on my blog (I added the images). May it cause you to THINK!!
The Money/Abundance Game
by Chad Cameron
Some people never have money issues. Some people always have money issues. Have you ever seen those shows on TV where they check in with lottery winners a few years later? The vast majority of them have spent (lost) all their money and are in a worse predicament then before they won the millions.
Then there was that social experiment: What would happen if we gave a homeless man $100K...What would he do with the money? How would his life change? We all think money will fix all our problems. Will it fix his? They did this and his story made Oprah. The man finds a briefcase with $100K in cash in it with a note that says something like: We have been watching you and know you are homeless. This money is yours free and clear with the one catch. If you take it you are agreeing to have us follow you and monitor you to see how you spend it and what changes in your life.

What happened was he bought lots of stuff and “friends” came out of the woodwork wanting and needing things. Within a short timeframe he was broke and told Oprah that all the “friends” who so desperately needed all that stuff had vanished. He ended up owing more than he did before the experiment and was far from happy. In fact, he wished he had never taken the money.
Think about that the next time you think more money would solve a problem you have.
So what’s the deal? Here is an analogy that might shed some light on the abundance game:
Consider that people who do well with money are like toddlers who know how to walk in a room full of toddlers who haven’t figured it out yet. The ones that can walk around wondering why all the others start to get up and then fall right back on their butts. The ones that can’t walk look to the ones walking toddlers like they are something special and they are amazed.

Let’s look at the interesting similarities to The Money/Abundance game:
In order for a toddler to be able to walk they must have:
1. Given up their story that they can’t walk.
2. Not let the fact that the others can’t walk affect their ability to walk.
3. Learn how to walk them self - no one can teach a toddler how to walk. They don’t have language. There are no courses to teach them. No Dummies books to read. Nothing to download from the Internet.
4. Spent lots of time, energy and effort into figuring it out for them self.
With regard to the money game have you:
1. Given up your story about money and how you never have it?
2. Been letting others who don’t have money consciously or unconsciously affect you? There is an old saying (I’ve not heard this saying – can you cite the source?): Your income is within 10% of the income of people you spend high quantities of time with. Sounds harsh but if you want to change your income you may want to consider who you spend your time with. Sounds crazy. It might be piece of the puzzle.
3. In the end you will need to Leap beyond your perceived lack of money for yourself. No one can help you. No one can do it for you.
4. Spend a lot of time thinking about it for yourself. Put the books down. Don’t sign up for anymore seminars. Nothing "out there" can save you. It's all up to you to undo what you have done to yourself.
I love what Jed McKenna says, “Think for yourself and figure out what’s true. That’s it. Ask yourself what’s true until you know.”
I really think this is true of the money game. Sure you can read books and listen to other people but have you ever noticed that everyone’s experience is unique? Donald Trump could tell you all about what works for him but since we are all such different creatures what works for him probably won’t work for you. If it could be boiled down and taught in a seminar then why aren’t there seminars that turn people into millionaires in 3 months flat with a 90% success rate? If you could do that think of all the money you could make….seriously you could charge $1M per student and have them pay you with their first million. Who wouldn’t sign up for that program? The proof that it doesn’t work like that is there are no seminars like that. I have only seen seminars where they get your money upfront BEFORE the seminar starts and they don’t offer refunds that in itself should tell you something.
Here is the Werner Erhard style cold hard truth that no one wants to hear:
You are 100% responsible for your money situation. In the storyline of your life there are lots of form world explanations for why you are in the situation you are in. You can rationalize and justify it all you want but at the end of the day the responsibility sits square in your lap. There is no money “out there” to get. There is nothing to attract or manifest. The more you chase it the further it seems to flee. No amount of visualization will do you any good. If the Law of Attraction really worked we would all have Ferraris by now. Instead luxury car sales were down 13% mid year 08. (I couldn’t find a more recent statistic). Toyota and Lexus were down 48% in Feb 2009. I can only assume it is just as bad for all car makers. As of March of 2009 12% of mortgage holders were either behind or in foreclosure. Do you think 12% of the people were visualizing NOT paying their mortgage?

What will work is you changing your perception about it. One thing to do is to stop judging it. It is what it is and the rest is just your crappy ass story about it. You know the story you have been puking out to anyone who will listen about why you don’t have money. If you don’t have money all there is to get is in this moment of now you don’t have any money. As Werner would say: Now the game is play the game with no money. The opportunity you have is to realize that this moment of now will pass into the next moment of now and the next and so on until you croak and most likely be many more moments of now for you and in each moment all kinds of options (possibility) will be there for you. The other opportunity you have is to participate in a thing called community. You could always ask your community for help. So many of us don’t ever want to ask for help and that is just silly. Here is a newsflash for you….the people close to you want to contribute to you. Don’t you want to help your friends when they are in need?
Take all this for whatever it is worth and while I can talk about this all day long, know that only you can figure out what will work for you.
It may take some trial and error on your part but keep at it…. Keep doing the “undoing” and if my story is not unique there will be some heart burn and some ass kicking along the way…..and it might help to know that you wouldn’t want it any other way.
Thanks Chad!!! You can learn more about Chad Cameron and check out The Leap Movie by visiting
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