Monday, August 29, 2005

Hurricane Katrina Update

OK, we are now in Nashville - just arrived a few minutes ago. A good friend offered to put us up for a few days until the dust (I mean water) settles back home.

Talked to my folks (who refused to evacuate) and I'm happy to report they are A-OK.

Not sure about our home and our cats, as there is significant flooding in our area. We hope to know more by tomorrow night.

Here's today's lesson:
when you know what's important to you - I mean REALLY important - everythign else is just details. The problem is that most people don't know what's really important.

Successful people, on the other hand, have achieved success because they set clear prioritieis and they make decisions and take action based on their priorities. People without success are frustrated either because they don't know what they really want, or because they are not using their resources congruently with their priorities. I have explained this to many people, and I've been asked to put together a book, a program, a DVD, something to show people what I've learned and how they can duplicate my success. So like I've mentioned before, it's in the works. Katrina may slow me down a bit, but I am pressing onward, because I know you (and thousands of others just like you) are counting on me. I won't let you down.

Today's question:
What is holding you back from achieving success today?


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