Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Success is all in your head...well, at least to start with

Today I was coaching another wonderful woman. She was recently burned by a business partner who was doing some nasty underhanded stuff. Without going into hairy details, I'm sure most people can appreciate what it means to have someone take advantage of your trust. It feels pretty crappy, so say the least!

Anyway, she is starting a new business venture and she wants to really kick it up a notch, you know, hit the ground running. The company has a training event coming up in a few weeks and her advisor has told her it's importnat for her to go, but she is stuck in "I don't have the money" mode.

It got me thinking about a time when I myself was stuck in "I don't have the money" mode and I couldn't seem to break free. I felt paralyzed and helpless. When I shared that with her, she immediately connected with feeling paralyzed.

Life can throw some pretty crazy curve balls your way, adn you just can't be prpared for everything, no matter what you do. But if you can open your mind to possibilities instead of staying put in circumstances, you can really change your situation.

Until I was able to change my mind, to look for solutions, I had to remain paralyzed where I was. I shared this with her, and reminded her that she is on the verge of a M-A-J-O-R breakthrough, right now, at this moment.

If you are in a position where you're feeling paralyzed, start by changing your mind. Interrupt thoughts that remind you where you're stuck and imagine how you will feel to be free of this situation. Imagine what it will be like when you're successful, looking back on what you overcame.

Success is 90% mind games and 10% action. All the action in the world won't mean squat if your mind is still stuck in the past. Change your mind and break free. Right now, you could be on the verge of a major breakthrough.

So, what's it gonna be? Stay stuck where you are or change your thinking and move forward? The choice is entirely up to you.


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