Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Things Just Keep Getting Weirder....

So if you watch the news, you know that there have been breaches in the New Orleans levee system (what keeps the city from drowning during heavy rains, since it's several feet below sea level).

Not good.

Fortunately, my folks have NOW evacuated and are en route to my sister's house, about an hour north of the city. No word on our home....but it doesn't look good. And let me say that we are positively overwhelmed by the outpouring of love, support, prayers and offers to stay in people's homes. When crisis hits, you really do learn who your friends are. Right now, I am experiencing an abundance of friends and it feels wonderful.

Remember earlier (today? yesterday? it's all a blur) how I told you success starts with your thinking?

Today I had another shift in thinking.

Since we won't be able to return home (if we even have a house still standing) for the next month or so, we decided to take that time to travel around the country and decide where we want to live. We've been wanting to move and this is hte perfect opportunity to make the big move.

I can attribute at least part of my success to this: I have learned to turn obstacles into opportunities. Definitely a key trait to eliminate stress and achieve massive success.

So my question for you today is this:

What obstacle could you begin to view as an opportunity today to create success in your life right now?


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