Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Homecoming of Sorts

Today we FINALLY arrived back in Colorado. But we're not home yet. So it's a homecoming of sorts.

Once again, we are relying on teh kindness of others - since our new home won't be ready to move in until Saturday, and we had to fly today, well, that puts us "Presently Without Residence" for another 2 days. We've done 2 months, what's 2 more days?

I can hear whta you're thinking...Why not just stay in a hotel room if you're tired of living in other people's houses for 2 months straight? Well, we didn't want to fool with finding a hotel room large enough to fit us, our business, a very active toddler and 3 cats.

See, part of being successful is related to taking care of your own needs. Staying in a hotel at this point, after all we've been through, would put a great strain on our marraige and our business, even for just 2 more days (consider that after these 2 days we deal with movers, moving in and unpacking--not exactly stress-free!!)

Anyway, we talked awhile back about teh fact that you can't share from an empty cup. You have to take care of your own needs before you can possibly have anything to offer to those around you.

That's what I'm doing. I'm already making plans to join a massage club, and I'm looking for a yoga club to join (hot yoga, anyone?) I've gotta take care of me--there are a lot of people (including a little girl and a few others) who rely on me, and in order to give, I've got to keep my cup filled.

My question for you today is this:

Are you adequately taking care of yourself so that you can offer the very best of you to the important people in your life? If not, what are you willing to do today to change that?


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