Monday, October 03, 2005

More Talk About Guilt? Seriously?

Someone brought to my attention today that it was very appropriate that my topic yesterday was guilt. After all, tonight is teh first night of the Jewish holiday known as Rosh Hashanah, and the Jews are known for their penchant for guilt. Or perhaps that's just a limiting beleif of mine that I've chosen to cling to? Who knows.

Honestly, I don't want to talk about guilt again today. I'm over it, seriously. Today I want to talk about...the benefit of consistent action.

I've been noticing lately that there is a HUGE, we're talking monumental difference between people who are consistently consistent and people who are not.

I have a friend who started a blog around the same time as me (actually, shortly before I did). He created a content-based site (like our own New Success site) and is taking many of the same steps as me. However, my Alexa ranking (thanks to loyal readers such as yourself) is a whopping 153,934 while his is only a 748,405. What's the difference? It's consistent action.

I blog every single day--no matter if I'm tired, busy, bored or have writer's block. I am consistently consistent about blogging and updating my website. He is not - he is fairly consistent, which is a million miles from consistently consistent.

Now don't get me wrong - this is a great guy, and he is getting excellent results in other areas of his life. Just not here. But my point is that it's because he's not being consistently consistent, and I am.

I have noticed that in EVERY area of my life where I am consistently consistent, I reap outstanding rewards. My goal is to become consistently consistent at EVERYTHING that I do.

It's not easy. You know that, becasue you're probably not consistently reading this blog every day. You're probably not consistently consistent in most areas of your life, which is why you're interested in learning more success secrets.

Being consistgently consistent requires a few things:
1. extreme focus
2. dedication, no matter what.
3. persistence without exception
4. diligence

without being focused, dedicated, persistent and diligent, you are bound to miss a day here or there.

You may be thinking, what difference does it make if I miss a day here or there? It's not going to make a significant differnce in my results.


I have seen it for myself. Without fail, I can get excellent results by being consistent most of hte time (is that an oxymoron, or what?). But the only way I can get results that get noticed, I mean "you accomplished WHAT?!??!" kind of results, is when I have been consistently consistent without fail.

Our society conditions us to be lazy. We are sucked in by distractions like TV, news and other media. We can think of a million reasons not to be consistent. Oh, I can just skip one day of working out this week - I've already been 4 times, so missing 1 day won't hurt. I can have cookies today because I've been good all week. I don't need to journal today, because nothing really happened so I'd just be wasting ink if I wrote something.

That action of being consistently consistent is what separates the above "herd" thinking from the thinking of truly successful achievers. That is why I blog every single day, without fail. How can I miss a day? Missing a day is NOT going to get me closer to my goal of being the authority on success. My goal of achieving an Alexa ranking of under 50,000. I blog every day, period.

My question for you today is this:

In what area of your life do you deserve to be consistently consistent and are you willing to make that commitment to be consistently consistent beginning today?


At 3:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long have you been blogging? What is an Alexa rating? I'm intrigued.

At 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Windfall Woman,

This blog started in early August. You can click here to view the archived postings from August. Alexa is a site that ranks all the websites on the internet, based on average traffic (number of people that visit the site) and page views (average number of pages viewed by each visitor). There are millions of websites out there, and it is said that hte top 100,000 websites receive 50% of all the traffic on the Internet. For example, if you wanted to buy advertising on a site, you would want a site that has an Alexa ranking under 100,000, because that would mean it's in the top 100,000 of all websites. Google adn Yahoo and MSN are always jockeying for the #1, 2, and 3 positions. You can view my Alexa traffic here. If you add the Alexa toolbar to your browser, it will show you the ranking of whatever site you're currently vbiewing (but that's pretty much just done by internet geeks like me). If you're interested in how to advertise on the internet, check out this cool product by Ted adn Ed that explains everything you need to know. Hope taht answers your qeustion!


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