Sunday, October 02, 2005

What's the Deal with Guilt?

Have you ever had someone try to make you feel guilty because you were happy?

It's the interesting thing about miserable people--they really want everyone else to be as miserable (if not more so) than they are. I suppose that;s what spawned the old axiom "Misery loves company."

Truly miserable people relish in their unhappiness. Anyone who has more success, more peace or more abundance than them must be "born lucky" or "fortunate" or else the other shoe is bound to drop and their luck will soon run out.

It can be downright unnerving to be around people like this.

Think about it--you're happy, you're excited. Perhaps you just received some good news and you want to share it (rightfully so!) You tell the Miserable Person and no matter what, they just can't be happy fo ryou. In fact, they try to rain on your parade or burst your bubble with phrases like "you should thank God you're one of hte lucky ones" or "it's depressing to hear about your good fortune" or "I hope you appreciate all that you have because a lot of people would kill to be in your situation right now."

Am I supposed to feel guilt because my house survived with minimal damage from the worst natural catastrophe America has ever seen? Should I feel remorse that I was fortunate to be away on business when the storm hit, so I didn't have to suffer the massive inconvenience and harried packing of evacuation? Am I to downplay my good fortune because others didn't have it so well? Do you think people living in Wisconsin or New Mexico felt guilty because they didn't live in New Orleans and have to deal with Katrina at all?

Of course not. That's not the way the world was intended to be. But that is waht our society has made it.

The Miserable Ones love company and when someone succeeds or enjoys extreme good fortune, Misery jumps in to dampen the mood. Why? Because when someone succeeds, they make all those underachievers and Chronic Complainers look bad. I mean, if I can succeed, doesn't that mean you can too? That's why they believe in luck and blessing and serendipity. Otherwise, they'd have to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their current situation, and Misery is not prepared to do that. It's far easier to complain about their lot in life rather than take charge adn do something to change their situation.

Wow, I am really on a rant today. Excuse me, but I get a little pissed off when I work my ass off to create a wonderful life, I overcome obstacles and I persist wtihout exception to get what I want, and other people want to call me "lucky" and boo-hoo because they think God has cursed them.

I'm so sick of hearing crap like that!

If you are a Chronic Complainer, and you truly want to CHANGE, start with a sense of gratitude for all that you have. Then be thankful for all that you will soon receive. And believe it to be so, and you shall have it.

Period. That's my big secret. For more details, check out the Be-Do-Have license plate formula for success.

Yes, I'm fired up today. And I hope you get fired up too.

Here;s your question for today:

What does the phrase PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY mean to you? In other words, where exactly does the buck stop?


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