Pariah vs. Messiah
There is an interesting dichotomy in success.
On the one hand, people who accomplish amazing things are -
looked up to
On the other hand...human nature loves to see someone fail. So no matter what you do, no matter how great you are, some people will admire and follow you and some will, well, wait for the other shoe to drop.
It's just the way it goes.
Makes me think of one of my dad's favorite sayings:
You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.
In other words, you gotta follow your heart. Do what you know is right. Walk to the beat of your own drum. Follow your dream. Go for it. Be yourself. And a hundred other sayings, that we can all get real good at telling OTHER people, but when it comes to ourselves....
...oh, the dark and nasty things we say to ourselves in the privacy of our own thoughts.
I'll never be able to do that.
How could I be so stupid?
I can't believe I just did that.
What was I thinking?
It's not like I'm perfect.
I'm only human.
I should have known better.
What am I doing here?
I missed my chance.
I wish I hadn't done that.
and the most deadly one that keeps us stuck in the past:
"If only..."
It's interesting in a way. We spend so much time trying to please other people, yet what are the "other people" doing? Trying to please us, and other people. If everyone in the Universe would just mind our own business, imagine how happy this world would be!
Here is your question for today:
Knowing that you can't please all of the people all of the time, what specific action will you take today to feed your own soul?
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