Success: How Bad Do You Want It?
Persistence. Period.
Look, here's the deal: Life happens.
It doesn't matter how positive a person you are, how much time you spend visualizing your ideal life, and how "prepared" you are, there are always OBSTACLES. CHALLENGES. PROBLEMS. OK, so you can call them "opportunities in disguise" and yes I believe that is what they are, but no matter what you call them, you still have to deal with them.
That's why your WHY must be rock-solid.
You must know what you want and why you want it. And "lots of money" isn't a good why. What is the money for? And why do you want THAT? That's the way to get to the bottom of your why. (BTW, ifyou sign up for the free New Success newsletter, you get a free 4-part report called "Finding Your Why" hint, hint).
Your goal/vision/purpose must be so crystal clear that you can't see anything in your way. You must be so passionate about your goal that even what seems like the toughest challenge/opportunity in disguise can't slow you down or break your stride.
The bottom line is we attract problems because we need to learn something. Problem-solving is the way we humans prefer to learn. Oh sure, someone could just TELL us, but that doesn't mean we necessarily believe or understand it. We are experiential beings and we DO to UNDERSTAND fully.
No, the purpose of this post is not to encourage you to ignore problems or take them in stride. The purpose is to assist you in understanding that you WILL have problems -- they're just par for the course -- and they will TEST you. So it's best to set a goal right up front that you are truly passionate about and PERSIST no matter what.
IF you're not truly passionate about your goal, you are likely to quit when the first rainy day shows up on the radar screen. Or the first time someone tells you that you must be nuts for trying to achieve that. Or the first time your "plan" doens't work out.
Success persists, without exception. Persist and you will--you MUST--succeed. Guaranteed.
For more info about powerful goal-setting and goal-getting, get The Success Method.
Here's your question of the day:
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being TOTAL indifference and 10 being TOTAL unstoppability, how would you rate your Passion Level for your current "major" goal?
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