Monday, November 14, 2005

Does Success = Happiness?

I'm going to make a bold statement:

You've never met a successful person who is unhappy.

True? Some of you are no doubt thinking I've lost my mind. You may know several people who seem to be successful yet are miserable. Perhaps they're constantly complaining about the state of the world. Maybe they're being sued. Maybe their marriage is in shambles.

But you're wrong.

OF course it's all in the way you define Success.

If you define success merely in terms of financial gain, then of course you WOULD see so-called successful people who are unhappy. No one can argue that there are wealthy, miserable people in the world.

If you define success in terms of achievement in one's career or field, then again you WOULD see so-called success stories who are miserable. Perhaps they're working ridiculous hours, enduring phenomenal stress, and walking the tightrope of corporate politics, wondering when they'll be stabbed in teh back.

Maybe you define success as someone who has a lot of friends. But every week, people who appear to have lots of friends commit suicide because they feel so lost and lonely.

So what is it that defines success?

To me, success and happiness are inseparable. Therefore, you can never meet a TRUE success who is not happy. Sure they may have their moments of misery, but overall they are thrilled to be alive and are very happy people.

Success means you are living the life you choose.

Success means you have realized your purpose and you are dedicated to carrying out your purpose.

Success means you know why you are here, adn what you must do.

Success means your life has BALANCE.

Success means you balance relationships, goals, dreams, and every aspect of your life according to your priorities.

Success means you have minimal stress because you know that everything you do, everything that happens in your life, is all part of The Plan.

Success means you are grounded in teh knowledge of who you are and what you are about.

Success means you are truly happy.

My questoin for you today is this:
How do YOU define Success?


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