Friday, November 11, 2005

Headaches and Miracle Cures

Just because I KNOW a headache is caused by some kind of imbalance doesn't mean I can always make it disappear. Why is that, exactly?

For me, there is something about headaches that I have trouble dissolving. Aches and pains, queasy stomach, and other minor ailments are easy to "disappear" but for some reason headaches tend to stick around with me.

When I attended the Landmark Forum last year, they showed us a trick to get rid of a headache.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath.
Try to pinpoint exactly where the pain is.
Get an exact spot - point to it if possible, or describe it out loud.
Now, describe the pain - is it stabbing? Shooting? Pressure? Throbbing? Get specific.
Now list all the reasons WHY you have a headache. Every reason.
Now where is the pain?
Pinpoint the pain, and describe it.
Is the pain better or worse?
List more reasons why you have this headache. Every one you can think of.
Take another deep breath.
Now where is the pain? (usually, it's gone by now. If not, repeat the "finding reasons" step through the end until the pain is gone).

With this exercise, I can always lessen the pain, but not make it go away completely.

Why is that?

Well, it's probably either because I am:

- attached to teh idea of having a headache (maybe it gets me out of doing somehting I don't want to do, so I cling to the excuse)

- need to be right (I have a headache and some silly exercise isn't going to make it go away)

- haven't admitted all the reasons why I have a headache (in some cases, it may be a physical reaction, like I haven't eaten in 6 hours or I'm dehydrated)

So I may just have to break down and take an Excedrin. (When all else fails...)

It's true - successful people do whatever it takes. Slowing down and allowing this headache to thwart my day is simply NOT an option.

Your question du jour:

When you hit an obstacle, do you let your excuses slow you down, or do you press onward?


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