Success Takes Time...
Success takes time to...
Yes, it's true. Successful people are generally busy people. They don't have time for useless activities such as watching television, gossip, or complaining. They're far too busy getting things done.
But on the other hand...
Successful people do take time to stop and smell the roses.
Otherwise, they wouldn't truly BE a success, in my book.
See, BALANCE is a key part of success. Without balance, something is missing, and stress can prevail. With balance, life makes sense and things seem to fall into place. Even when challenges occur, you are better equipped to handle them with balance.
For example, have you ever taken the time to notice snowflakes? These are truly amazing creations - each tiny jewel is a spectacular display of the wonders of nature. It is truly mind-boggling to think that no two snowflakes are alike. Of all the millions upon millions upon billions of tiny bits of crystallized water, no two are exactly the same.
Are you getting the sheer vastness of this?
Are you seeing how abundant life really is?
It's so easy for us to get caught up in things that really don't mean anything--bills, news, what other people think about us--that we can miss life's great lessons.
Have you ever stopped to notice that no two people are truly the same? Even identical twins often have widely different personalities.
The amazing works of nature are alive and present, yet how often do we dismiss these miracles so easily in favor of "more important" things?
Successful people never forget to appreciate all that they have. The power of gratitude can be an amazing force if you embrace it in your life. Even if your life isn't going the way you'd like--if you don't feel you are yet a success, take a look around you and feel gratitude for the abundant universe that surrounds you.
Your question of hte day is this:
In what way will you stop to smell the roses today?
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