Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Success Starts At The END

Yesterday we took you back in time to when you were a little kid. Today we're going to move forward in time.

I invite you to take a moment and bring yourself forward, to the end of your life. Imagine you are lying on your death bed, near the very end. How will you feel?

What in your life would you be most proud of?

What are your regrets?

Would you feel satisfied, as though you had served your life's purpose and you had lived a full life? Or would you think of all the things you've left undone?

Consider this: Do you think many people end their lives wishing they had watched more television, spent more time at the office and worried more? No, of course not. Yet that is what so many people do day after day after day. Pour their lives into a job they don't like in an attempt to make more money which they don't have time to spend, then numb themselves in front of a television set before going to bed to get up and repeat "groundhog day" all over again. And all the while they're worrying--is there enough money, is my job secure, does my spouse love me, what am I doing here, am I doing the right thing, did I say the wrong thing, am I dressed appropriately, is my health in danger, ad nauseum.

Stephen Covey reminds us to "begin with the end in mind." I believe this same way of thinking is true to life - if we begin with where we want to end up, it brings our life today into crystal clear focus. We can see where we are deficient and we can choose to change our path at any moment along the journey. It's never too late!

Now, take a minute to reflect on this (which, incidentally is your question of the day):

Assuming that you are envisioning a happy ending (a life well-lived), are you on the path RIGHT NOW that will bring you to an eventual happy ending? OR are you still putting off all the things you really want to do?


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