Tuesday, December 13, 2005

3AM Wisdom

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night for no good reason whatsoever?

That happened to me this morning. Yep, around 3AM. No noise, no bad dreams, no worries, just wide awake.

They say if you can't get back to sleep within 20 minutes, you might as well get up and walk around. Apparently if you can't fall asleep again within 20 minutes, it's gonna be awhile. Probably because that's when the "Oh my gosh, why can't I fall asleep? I have a lot to do tomorrow, I gotta fall asleep right now!" Which doesn't exactly help to bring on the peaceful state of slumber...

So I did what the so-called experts say, and I got up after 20 minutes. Decided to go into my office and see what's shakin. Hey, you can ge ta lot done at 3AM when you're focused, did you know that?

No phone ringing, no laundry to do, no toddler wanting attention. Even the cats were looking at me like, hey, what are you doing up?

I put in a solid, uninterrupted hour of work, and then I went back to bed. Nice!

I went back to bed feeling a huge sense of accomplishment, and I even slept until 9! Of course, when I woke up, I felt great because I had shaved some items off my to-do list already. It's like that old saying about "we do more by 9AM than most people do all day." Well, maybe not quite that impressive, but still, I was pleased.

After all, I could have hit the kitchen for a snack (which wouldn't have accomplished anything NOR would it have made me feel better) and then plopped down in front of hte television. Any idea what's on at 3AM? My guess is nothing good!

But I didnt' do eiehter of those things - I took massive action towards my goals, and NOTHING feels as good as that does. Even at 3AM! No, especially at 3AM!

So here's my question of the day:
When you wake up in the middle of hte night, what do you do? Do you do something productive, or do you turn on the boob tube and hit the fridge? Do you realize it's completely your choice, either way?


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