Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Environment of Success

We hear a lot of talk today about "taking care of the environment" and being "stewards of the environment." Apparently these are buzzwords that get attention in political elections.

Too bad we're not talking about the environment that really matters.

We have talked previously in this post about choosing your friends carefully, but what about choosing your surroundings with the same amount of care?

How's your working environment? If you're like many people, you feel trapped in a highly-negative work environment. Even if you enjoy the kind of work you do, you may be stuck spending 8 hours a day (or more) with people who can't appreciate anything and are constantly complaining.

My background is in healthcare management, and that has got to be one of hte most negative environments a person can choose to work in. Think about it: most of your customers (patients) are sick. They feel terrible, many are scared, and they are also worried about "What's this gonna cost me?" No one wants to pay for good medical care. It's not like buying a new car or a fun gadget - it's more like a bill or a necessary utility.

So all (most) of your customers are already in a bad mood.

Many of the physicians are no better. Sure, they smile and are polite while you're in their office (mostly because they can't afford to lose any patients) but many physicians are just miserable. (Keep in mind, I'm talking about clinics and hospitals - smaller-town private practices do not necessarily fit this description.)

A lot of physicians became doctors so they could solve problems and help people.

Unfortunately, primary care physicians are so bombarded wiht paperwork, new government regulations related to your privacy and safety (imposed by government beaurocrats who do not really understand your wants or needs as a patient), confusing billing practices, mandatory continuing education, and the need to cram in more patients in less time so the business can be profitable. Many young doctors just don't realize what they were signing up for when they started out with their lofty and idyllic desire to be a trusted physician. Older physicians shake their head in resigned frustration to see what the industry has become. It isn't pretty.

With the rising cost of healthcare, the confusing and often unethical practices of health insurance companies, and the litigious society creating outrageous malpractice suits, being in healthcare just ain't what it used to be. THe money's not there, the patient connection is limited, and the paperwork is monstrous.

Which doesn't help to put your medical employees in a good mood. What do they have to be happy about anyway? They are overworked and underpaid and they get beat up on from both ends - patients who had to wait, don't have their insurance card, didn't get teh papers signed that they needed, don't have their prescription, etc. And the physicians who have to put on a happy face in front of the patients, but often turn into a different person behind closed doors.

Like I said, it's a pretty negative environment to be in.

How easy do you think it was for me to remain positive and upbeat in an environment like that?

But here's the thing: that is the environment THAT I CHOSE. It was entirely my choice to go to work there. I have an MBA and could work anywhere. But once I got into health care and got some experience there, it seemed like my only option. Any of this sounding familiar?

Eventually, a life change (the birth of my daughter) caused me to re-evaluate my priorities and I decided to start my own business to get oyt of the JOB.

What a difference that made!

/suddenly, I had chosen a different environment, and viva le difference as the french say.

Forgive my terrible French, I should have brushed up before coming here to beautiful Whistler, B.C. But that's ok, eveyrone speaks english anyway!

Whistler is near Vancouver, adn man, is it gorgeous here. The people are amazingly nice and warm and the skiing today was pretty good too. What a great place. The Chateau Fairmont is stunningly beautiful adn we have breathtaking views outside our bedroom. We are having a blast. Which means I gotta run, because we have dinner plans...

Here is your question du jour:

If you know that you are able to choose your environment, is the environment you are in RIGHT NOW the one you would choose? If not, what are you waiting for? You only have to stay in a negative environment as long as you choose to do so....


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