Sunday, December 11, 2005

Are You Slipping?

Faithful followers of my success blog may have noticed that I skipped a couple of days in the past week. You may also have noticed that I inadvertently posted teh same message 2 days in a row. You may be wondering if I'm slipping.

Perhaps I'm getting lazy because it's the Christmas season.
Maybe I slacked off because I was up in Whistler, B.C. having a blast.
Maybe I'm just getting bored with teh whole blog thing.

Or maybe it's a little of all of the above.

Yes, I definitely noticed myself slacking off in a number of areas during this Whistler trip.

And it's not entirely for the reasons you might think.

While it's true that it IS indeed Christmastime, and while it's true that skiing and partying are way more fun than my daily routine, and while it's certainly true that it can get tough to find somehting interesting to write about day in and day out, it's really not because of any of those things.

It's because of alcohol.

Yep, you heard me. While away on this trip, I really got hammered one night and well, I suppose I'm not as young as I used to be because it really hit me hard.

In fact, several days have gone by and I still don't quite feel like myself.

Apparently, one heavy night of partying can set me back several days. I'd be wise to rememebr that the next time I want to stay out drinking and dancing until 4 in the morning. Sure, it was fun, but was it worth it?

And I wasn't the only one slipping, either. My darling hubby took a nasty spill down the mountain while skiing (these rental skis were some SMOKIN Saloman's I tell ya) and busted up his face a little. And he was stone-cold sober, too. But going a little fast down a slightly icy mountain - a dangerous combination.

How about you? Are you slipping?

This is certainly the season for indulging, living on teh edge and eating and drinking more than usual. Have you got a plan to keep the extra holiday pounds and morning-after feelings at bay this year? If not, you'd better get crackin, as Christmas will be here before you know it.

I also feel like I'm slipping a litle with my holiday preparedness. I'd like to use Hurricane Katrina as an excuse, but that's probably wearing a little thin now that it's been 3 months (and 2 months since we moved cross-crountry to Colorado). Normally, I have all my shopping done by eraly November. Not so this year!

Time to get crackin for me, how about you?

Here;s your question of the day:
What one thing can you do today to get prepared for the holidays? Will you take action and get it done today, or will you procrastinate yet another day? Go for it!


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