Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Fire. Good.

What is it about campfire and wine that creates a safe environment for authentic discussions? Some of the most powerful conversations I've had and insights into the minds of others have occurred during campfire chats.

Perhaps that's the secret Roosevelt knew when he created his "fireside chats."

The bold colors in teh flames and the mesmerizing trance of its flickering beauty, the golden glow of the coals and the firefly dancing of the rising and whirling sparks...who can resist the allure of an outdoor fire?

Not I, said the fly.

Cold and damp outdoors, but warm and toasty by the fire. Have you tried roasted coconut marshmallows? Mmmmmmmmmm, delightful.

Fire can symbolize so many things. Destruction. Creation. Power. Rebirth. Cleansing. Purifying. Electrifying.

What creates fire in your life? Truly, what is the spark that lights your flame of passion? and I'm not just talking sexuality here. What are you truly passionate about?

HEre's teh steps to success and happiness:
1. Figure out your passion.
2. Set goals ignited by passion.
3. Take steps, make choices, and make decisions that move you closer to those goals.

That's it! The rest is just details.

Your question of the day? See above. And step #1.

Well, what are you waiting for?


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