Thursday, December 22, 2005

New Orleans is Still a Wreck


I can't believe how bad it still is here. I am sooooooo glad we chose to move.

The destruction - even months after Hurricane Katrina's wake - is still astronomical.

"Blue roofs" (tarps) everywhere you many less many trailers everywhere. Restaurants close at 8PM. Sure, the bars stay open later (but that's no place for a toddler - even in Louisiana!) It's really overwhelming.

I'm not one to turn tail and run, but I have learned that success knows when to cut its losses. Success must always do what is best for itself in order to maintain success.

Sometimes that means painful changes. Sometimes that means leaving our home town. Sometimes that means facing the unknown.

Looking around this place of desolation, where Christmas decor is sparse and moods are low (even at this most festive of times), I know I made the choice that was right for me.

But it's not always easy.

Here's your question:

In your life, when have you taken the tough road above the easy way out? How has it impacted your life? What decision are you now faced with that deserves a tough answer?


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