Monday, December 26, 2005

What's Your Birth Order?

I realized something the other day about first-borns and last-borns. And it's nothing you'll read about in Kevin Leman's Birth Order Book.

First borns take everything said at face value. They're quite trusting in that way. Last borns tend to think everyone is either joking or being sarcastic. We last-borns tend to say things like, "No way!" and "Are you serious?" and "Are you kidding me?" and "Get out!" whenever we hear something that we don't already know to be a fact.

I may have figured out why that is.

It happened at a recent family function, when my sister believed something silly I told her as a joke. I was thinking "she is as gullible as Andy" (my husband). He always believes whta people say (for the most part), and often misses tongue-in-cheek humor completely because of that.

On the other hand, I tend to use all those disbelief phrases I mentioned above.

Here's my theory:

The first-born child gets most of their early information from their parents or primary caregiver. They're getting all their info straight from adults. They have no reason to question what is told to them, so they take everything at face value and expect it to be true.

On the other hand...

we last-born children have older siblings who like to pull our chains. And everynoe is alwys joking around with us, poking fun, trying to see what silly thing they can get us to say or do. So as adults, we think everyone is treating us in the same manner - even if we're "supposed" to believe them, like if it's something our boss is telling us, or a police officer, for example, we will most likely respond with "REally?" or "Are you serious?"

Think about it....

and in the meantime, here's a question to REALLY make you think:

What does any of this have to do with success?


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