Saturday, January 21, 2006

Feng Shui-ayyyyyyyyyyy Cool

I love Feng Shui. I can remember a time when I couldn't even spell it or pronounce it correctly (that's "fang shway") and now I'm an expert.

How's this for Law of Attraction? When we were living in New Orleans and I first started learning about Feng Shui, I realized that the house we were living in was a Feng Shui disaster. So I said over and over (to anyone who'd listen, and even those who wouldn't) that my next house would be perfect for Feng Shui.

And so it is.

When we moved into our new house here in Colorado, and I started laying out the bagua map (that's Feng Shui hip-speak), I was amazed that each room was painted the perfect color for it's location! We had attracted a Feng Shui dream house and I was thrilled. Now here we are about 4 months later, and I'm just putting the finishing touches on my Feng Shui palace. (mostly hanging pictures - that's all that's left to do).

Don't let anyone tell you Feng Shui is easy - 'cuz it's not. It takes a lot of time and patience, and I've been studying it for a year. I think I am just getting to the point where I could teach it to someone else. But of course, this is not the forum for that.

So are you wondering why I brought it up in the first place? Well, that is an excellent question.

Here's the deal: Feng Shui works, whether you believe it or not. Which means that if there is any area of your life where you seem to have constant struggle no matter what you do (health, money, relationships, your family, career, etc.) then chances are, you've got Feng Shui issues you don't even know about. So doesn't it make sense to make a candle or a plant do the work for you instead of expending more of your own energy? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Maybe I'll rename this blog "Success wisdom from a lazy entrepreneur" because that's certainly what I am! I am putting pictures, plants and rugs to work for me so I can expend less energy. After all, I've learned from experience that expending more energy doesn't equate to increased results. Another trick of the universe.

BTW, a friend recently recommended that I put together a Feng Shui teleseminar for people who want to get results in their lives through Feng Shui. Why not? Sounds like fun. So I'm doing a FREE preview call in the next week or two. If you want to be among the first to know when it's available, sign up for Success Secrets Revealed here and you'll get a notification of the free call. Plus, I may do some discounts on the actual teleseminar course for my loyal subscribers.

Well, at any rate, here's your QoD (Question of the Day):

What area of your life causes constant struggle for you? What steps have you actively taken to rectify the situation and find peace in it?


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