Friday, December 30, 2005

Wine, Whine and Why'n

Seems to me that the intake of significant amounts of wine can have one of three effects.

First, some people get funnier after they drink a lot of wine. And if I drink a lot, they tend to get better looking, too.

Second, some people get really whiny with wine. Which annoys me. So I normally don't drink with people like this. (Hey, just being honest here.)

Finally, some people get into what I like to call "Why'n." In other words, they get extremely philosophical. They wonder "why" about a lot of things that they may not otherwise consider. These are the most interesting to drink with.

Personally, I do a lot of why'n when I'm sober too. It's fun, it's interesting and it beats the crap out of watching mindless television.

The greatest thinkers in all of history enjoyed a good why'n session. (With or without wine.) If they hadn't, there's a lot of stuff we wouldn't even have today.

Of course, you must be careful not to spend TOO much time Why'n. Otherwise, you become one of those annoying pondering pontificators who are all talk and no action. And we all know Action Does It, so don't bother why'n if you're not going to back it up with some real action.

Tis the season for setting New YEar's Resolutions. How did last year's work out for you? Did you accomplish all of your goals, or did you fall short from lack of action?

Why not make 2006 the best year of your life so far?

Here's your question of the day:

What have you been wanting to do, for a really, really long time, that you are NOW finally ready to take action and accomplish?

Now that's a resolution worth keeping.


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