Goal-Setting Pearls of Wisdom
First, let me say thanks for the wonderful response to yesterday's article. I have received a significant amount of positive feedback on the infomraiton I provided, and I sincerely hope that you will take action so that you can achieve all that you desire this year.
Additional information, worksheets, and progress charts are available with The Success Method, including a bonus recording of "How to Find More Hours in Your Day" which has been wildly popular. If money is an issue for you, be sure to sign up for my completely free e-newsletter called "Success Secrets Revealed" at NewSuccess.org. Every week or so, you'll get news you can use and nuggets of wisdom to keep you on track with goals, time management, success, leadership, and more.
Now, here are the goal-setting nuggets I promised to share with you today (be sure to read yesterday's post if you haven't already done so, as it provides some in-depth info for powerful goal-getting and New Year's Resolutions that stick):
Some additional goal-getting tips:
+ Write down your goals (people who do this are 10 times more likely to ahcieve their goals than people who don't!)
+ Post your written goals in an obvious place, so you'll see them frequently
+ Make sure your goals reflect what YOU want and not what you "think" you "should" want.
+ Get very specific about what you want
+ Set a timeline or deadline for your goal completion
+ Take some small action toward your goal every single day
+ Visualize yourself having already achieved your goal
+ don't try to take on everything all at once. Remember you are going to revisit your goals at least quarterly, so you don't necessarily have to lose weight, quit smoking and get organized by Feburary 1st. You have a whole year so start with your highest priority and once you're making progress towrad it, you can add on more if you feel comfortable doing so.
+ Follow your intuition no matter how silly or odd it may seem...this is often the key to achieving your goals on time, and with greater ease that you could imagine. That nudge to call and old acquaintence, turn down an odd street, or read an obscure book could be just the ticket
And don't be afraid to dream big!
Here's your qeustion of the day:
Do you believe that your life today is the direct result of the compounded choices you have made throughout your entire life? If not, who are you kidding???
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