The Secret to Self-Healing
YEsterday was a terrible day, just terrible. I felt horrible, and I was beginning to wonder if I should have gotten the flu shot or not.
As I was lying in bed, drifting in and out of waking consciousness, I remembered something I read recently that said any time you suddenly get ill -- or even if you experience a sudden onset of pain such as back pain, foot pain, or a headache, there is likely something that must be forgiven.
In other words, there is someone you are refusing to forgive, and that is causing your discomfort.
Now if that sounds too far-fetched to you, think about it this way:
Have you ever noticed this when you were mad at someone? I'm talking REALLY mad, like you are just staemed at them. And somehow, it's like they don't even notice! Here you are literally fuming, and they are just going about their life, acting as though nothing is wrong.
Yes, I know you can relate to whta I'm saying.
It means whenever you hold a grudge, hte only person who really gets hurt is YOU. Half the time, they don't even know you're mad. And of course, you won't tell them, otherwise, you could get it out in the open and not have to hold your own private grudge.
Since we know that the body follows the commands of the mind, it makes sense that if we are hurting ourselves by refusing to forgive, then that will manifest in physical form.
So what to do about it?
That part is easy. Catherine Ponder (Dynamic Laws of Prosperity) says to practice 30 minutes a day of focused forgiveness. If you can't think of anyone to forgive, just ask. Something along the lines of "show me who I must forgive."
I bring this up now, because as you can see, I am posting this at about 5AM my time. I never, NEVER get up that early unless I have to be at the airport, and I genearlly avoid early departures whenever I can. I am awake becaue I was so ridiculously sigk yesterday, and I spent most of the day in bed or lying on the couch - not normal for hyperactive me!
(BTW, I am typing this without glassex or contacs so pls forgive th excessive typos!)
Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about forgiveness today. How often do we forget to forgive ourselves! But as soon as we release the block, healing can begin. Which explains why I am feeling much better now. Fever broke during the night, adn I actually had an appetite, which is why I got up in the first place.
As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a little sleepy, so I think I'll go to bed now...Nite-Nite!
Oops, almost forgot your question of the day:
Who deserves your forgiveness and what do you thikn will result of your ability to forgive?
P.S. Please note - you don't have to say anything to the person to release them with forgiveness. No conversation is necessary (except the one in your head), no direct apology, no long written letter. Although all these may be useful with YOURSELF to allow yourself to release the grudge you hold against another. Write a letter you'll never mail. Talk to the mirror. Journal. Whatever works. Just do it! YOU deserve to feel better and unburden yourself!
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