Master Manifestor
So if you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you are most certainly someone who understands that YOU are the one responsible for whatever results you have in your life right now.
And hopefully, you're using some of what we discuss here regarding hte Law of Attraction to attract whatever you want into your life. Personally, I have been the Master Manifestor lately.
What I mean by that is this:
For some time now, I have known that I can attract into my reality whatever I focus on -- good and bad. But in the past couple of weeks, I am doing this at lightning speed, which is exhilarating.
Literally, I can think about something intensely for a few seconds, let it go, and it appears like magic within a day or less. Yes, it really is that simple, despite the fact that I've spent years convincing myself otherwise.
The latest 2 accomplishments:
1 - we are currently leasing a home (remember, we wanted to see if I could handle Colorado winters, plus we wanted to sell our home in New Orleans before buying here) and our lease is up June 1st. My husband has been pushing to extend that lease to September 30th (since we were told the new house we are building would be finished in October). I have been pushing for August 1st, then requesting to go month-to-month afterwards. This week we got a call from the builder (we have been waiting on permits for weeks now)....not only did they break ground on the homesite yesterday, but the house is going to be completed 2 months ahead of August! Yeah, I am good.
2 - I have recently realized that I am being called to write children's books. This is an idea I've toyed with for years, adn the topic and storyline are flowing to me as though I'm channeling God directly (which I suppose I am...after all, we are all Divine, even when we forget this Truth). Of course, despite the fact that I am a spectacular writer and visionary, I am only a so-so cartoonist. Last night, I was sharing this insight with a friend of mine who is an accomplished artist who just completed a children's book and already has found a publisher. She was jumping up and down when I told her my book idea and she wants to handle hte illustrations. How spectacular! How Divine!
OF course, 'ordinary' people would call this luck, coincidence, happenstance, serendipity. But I no longer care what 'ordinary' people think. You won't either, when you're focused on living an EXTRAordinary life.
ORdinary people do not see themselves as cause in the matter. When things go wrong, they blame luck, circumstance, the weather or other people. When things go well, they claim to be lucky, fortunate, or 'blessed by God.' As though God picks adn chooses who gets blessings and when. Such rubbish!
YOU are the driving force in your life! Even when you take your hands off the wheel. YOU are hte responsible party in your reality! Even when you choose to shirk that responsibility and give your power away to circumstances and other people who are just as clueless as you.
When YOU take control and get powerful, YOU can get whatever YOU want. Seriously.
Man, that is powerful.
So I gotta go...I'm off to get more of what I want.
In teh meantime, here is your QoD:
Where in your life are you not taking responsibility? What stories are you telling yourself about why things are the way they are? What could you gain if you recognized the power you hold to create whatever results you want, after first accepting that you created whatever mess you're in right now?
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