Monday, February 20, 2006

Lower Class Olympians?

I can't help but feel differently when I watch the snowboarders vs. the other Olympic athletes.

What is it about those boarders, exactly?

Somehow they just seem less, I don't know...serious. Liek they cruised on in to the medal spots without really trying, or putting forth the kind of effort the other athletes do.

I mean, there is no real reason why I shouldn't be inspired by the boarders. They don't show disrespect to the sport. They aren't breaking any Olympic rules. They don't smack gum during national anthems or shout obscenities when they lose.

So what is it that makes me smirk when snowboarding competitions are on?

Is is the way they all jam out to their iPods just before the big race? The victory dances and up-close faces made into the nearest camera when they complete their run? The way they act like a bunch of kids who are having the funnest day of their lives?

Hmmm....I would suppose that says something about me.

Perhaps it's just my past telling me that we have to work really, really hard adn be really, really serious to get results. Perhaps I have an old limiting belief that tells me I can't have fun and accomplish something great at hte same time. I do think I take myself too seriously sometimes....

As a matter of fact, I thikn this new generation may be on to something.

Let's have fun AND get it done! Imagine what the workplaces in America would be like if everyone adopted that kind of attitude?!? Productivity would probably soar as morale was lifted out of the dumps and dungeons.

Hmmmm...interesting point. I thikn I will watch tomorrow's activities with a new eye for the athletes.

But here is YOUR question of the day:

What do you believe about work and the work ethic? Is it possible and even probable that you could have fun while accomplishing tasks and goals? Are these youngsters on to something here? How could you include fun in your duties and responsibilities?


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