Wednesday, March 29, 2006

When Will You Sell Out?

HEre's an interesting topic: selling out.

Just so we're clear, everyone sells out. Everyone. Even superstars, who may seem to persist beyond all odds, but I can assure you that somewhere, in some area of their lives, they sell out. How do I know this? Becasue they are H U M A N.

Look at Anthony Robbins. Sure, he's successful. Sure, he's helped millions of peopel to learn to live extraordinary lives. And yet, after releasing his new "relationship" program, he is caught cheating on his wife. Hmmm...interesting.

Even Oprah who proclaimed to the world that she had licked weight problems forever managed to pack on some pounds and struggle some more, yo-yo'ing her weight up and down.

This is not about attacking people, it;s about recognizing the truth: everyone sells out.

The question is WHEN do YOU sell out? and do you actually admit that's what you've done?

Most people blame their choice to sell out on "circumstances" or on other people. They sell out on their dreams by convincing themselves that they didn't really want that anyways. It wasn't really "meant to be" or all sorts of other such nonsense.

This isn't about making yourself "wrong" about selling out, either. Have you ever heard the expression "the truth will set you free" ? THAT is what we're talking about here. When you tell the truth about the way things are, you free yourself up to choose somehting different.

Let me say that again.

When you are honest and authentic, and you tell the Truth about the way things are, you free yourself to choose something else.

Hmmm. Interesting.

This brings up another issue of integrity.

So let me just own up to a place where I've been out of integrity with you in this very blog. I just looked back and realized I've only entered 4 or 5 entries this entire month! I am completely out of integrity, and today I am recommitting to post at least five quality entries per week.

And while you're being in integrity, you will see all sorts of obstacles pop up. Which is great, because it allows you to see what stops you in all areas of your life.

For example, you may not even be willing to try this exercise right now. After all, I'm just some internet chick, what do I know? Or maybe you don't like being told what to do. Or maybe your life sucks and you're mentally insisting your integrity is just fine, thank you. Or maybe you don't have time. Or you didn't really mean it. Whatever it is for you,I can assure you that this is a redundant theme that stops you in all areas of your life. Just take a look and see if there's any truth in what I'm saying here.

Here is your question of hte day:

What's worth giving up your excuses for to maintain your integrity and live an extraordinary life?


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