What's Love Got To Do With It?
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Of course we'll talk about love today, since it is (after all) Valentine's Day.
You may be wondering what love has to do with success. The answer to that may surprise you...Love has EVERYTHING to do with success!
You cannot experience true success without love.
Sure, temporary success may result, but you cannot have lasting success without love. Consider hte following:
If you don't love what you're doing, how can you put your heart into it? You can't -- you will soon become bitter and cynical and look for another career.
If you don't love the products or services that you're offering, how can you sell them? You can't -- you can't offer anything genuinely from anyplace execept from love.
If you're not offering these products and services to assist people through love, how long do you think people will buy them for? Not long -- peopel can sense a fake, even if not right away.
If you don't love yourself, how can you continue to accept money, fame or accolades for your work? You can't -- you'll just end up sabotaging yourself and losing it all.
Love is at the heart of everything.
I'm not talking about poopy-schmoopy-kissy-wissy kind of love. Although that's nice to have, too. Nice to have, but not essential for lasting success.
I'm talking about love in the purest form -- seeing other peopel for who they really are, and making an offering to that.
Now THAT's at hte core of true success. Why do you think the most successful people are in industries that they are passionate about? Becasue they LOVE their work. Sure, it's a word we throw around a lot, but you gotta get my meaning here.
So your question of the day, Love, is this:
Who or what do I really love? I seem to love myself most when I am ______________. Now, can you see a way in which you could offer that to others?
Go for it!
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