The Art of Detachment, or, How to Manifest Effortlessly
Recently, I was telling a friend of mine how easily things are coming to me lately. I mean I can just have a passing thought and *poof* it shows up in reality within hours or days. It's like I'm the Master Manifestor lately, the Queen of Creation. It's easy. It's fun. I admit, I'm having a blast.
This friend asked me what changed?
Hmmm, I thought.
Well, I don't want to pick it apart too much, like I'll jinx my winning streak or soemthing, but I suppose I finally learned to detach.
when I read Dr. Joe Vitale's book the Attractor Factor, I was like "what does he mean by detach? How can I want something so badly and then not care whether or not I get it?"
It's weird. It's like getting balance when learning to ride a bike. Impossible to explain, it must be experienced. But then once you experience it, you've got it for good.
Yeah, that's how I feel. In the past, it was like I was "trying" to detach. Kind of like seeing the dessert cart and forcing yourself not to want something on it. It's much easier to just not even see the dessert cart in the first place, right? Or to see it and release it. Much more effective than "trying" not to want it.
I suppose that's what I've learned to do. Well, maybe not so much with teh dessert cart, but with whatever I want.
Also, instead of wanting something and deliberately trying to force it, I now just simply decide I'll have something and start thinking about what it's gonna take to get it. Usually as soon as I shift my attention elsewhere, it shows up.
What kind of things has this worked on? Well, I'll tell you.
Finding the ultimate person to assist me with energy work and body work.
Getting my new construction home finished two months early (so far, now I'm shooting for 3 months).
Attracting people to help me do whatever I've decided to do but have no idea how to do.
Finding lost things.
Buying precious items at ridiculously low prices below cost.
Getting rid of illnesses and discomforts.
You name it.
I'm at the point now when I can think, "Gee, I'd really like to have a ___." and I guarantee within a week it'll show up (or something better).
Maybe part of it is being open to the something better.
For example:
A few weeks ago, we were atetnding a wedding of some very good friends. We decided to buy them a Lladro as a gift. We've always admired teh pieces, but we don't own any. I told my husband I'd like to buy one for our 10-year wedding annivesary (last month). Then we continued our traveling and I forgot all about it.
A week later, I was attending a fundraising auction at our church. Guess what one of the surprise items was? A Lladro. It was a retired piece, so they couldn't find it on the internet, so they set hte initial bid ridiculously low--$75. Come on, you can't even buy a brand new one for under $150, much less a retired piece!
I bought the Lladro for $120 and gladly wrote a check to my church. I came home and did more detailed resaerch (I am a savvy internet researcher!) and while I was unable to discover the piece's true value, it is for sale on collector sites for approximately $1200. That means the real value is at least TEN TIMES what I paid for it! Not that I would ever part with it. It will continue to increawse in value, since a limited numebr of peices were made.
Now, at the time that I made my request, I didn't care what piece. I just wanted to own a Lladro.
Had I set my sights on a specific piece (not that there's anything wrong with that), it probably would have taken the Universe a little longer to deliver my request. But it still would have delivered it.
So I suppose the second key is getting clear on what you want, but not more specific than what's required. I asked for a Lladro - I didn't get more specific than that, becasue I didn;t care what piece. But I love the ones in the "elegant ladies" line, and that's exactly what I got. (you can look it up if you like - it's called Afternoon Tea)
Here is your QoD:
What is blocking your good from being delivered to you? What steps can you take to release the blocks and allow your good to flow to you?
Interesting, I will have to try doing that and see what happens. Thank you!
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