Saturday, April 14, 2007

Today Was a Celebration

Today we drove down to Colorado Springs, CO to attend the Celebration metaphysical showcase.

IT was remarkably smaller than I expected, held in an auditorium about the size of my high school gym. The exterior walls were lined with people who were providing services (palm reading, tarot, angel guides, crystal balls, fortune telling, feng shui, aura photographs, chakra balancers, etc etc etc) and the inner booths were filled with people selling various wares.

We spent a good bit of time at the Hemi-Sync booth. Oodles of CDs for meditation, sleep, focus and everything else were available and of course, sampling was encouraged. I think the guy had 6 different portable CD players with headphones -- in fact, he had dual headphones, so he could hear what I could hear.

The booth was divided into beta wave stuff, delta wave stuff, theta wave stuff, and subliminal programming. They use binaural beat technology, plus some other stuff. John was very nice, and explained things multiple times to me, but it was quite loud in there, and my 3year old was a bit cranky as there wasn't anything for kids to do.

Which was *definitely* a missed opportunity for someone, because there were a TON of kids there.

I bought an Indigo CD for my kids (have you read about these Indigo children?), a sleep CD, a meditation CD, and a beta wave CD for ADD (for Andy). Andy has recently gotten into crystals (he's always been a rock hound, much like our 3 year old, but he has recently become interested in teh healing properties of crystals and stones and is building a library and a collection of such). $80 later, we finally walk away from the CD booth to see waht's what in the way of crystals, gems and stones.

I also spent some time observing these practitioners that lined the outer walls.

Some of them just looked like downright fakes.

Some were wearing "mystical" clothing, which made me wonder if they were dressing the part for today, or is this how they dress every day?

Some looked more like CPAs or writers than anything else, and perhaps they were indeed.

Some looked nervous, some looked calm, some looked bored.

None had rates posted (I thought that was itneresting. Made me wonder if they charged different prices for different people, or what?)

There were a TON of people offering info about angel guides, and stuff about angels.

There was one guy who had some strange dice and it was as though my husband read my mind when he leaned over and said, "What is this guy, the last living Dungeons and Dragons player?"

I was thinking, if I were to choose one of these people, how would I choose?

Naturally, I would pick the person who "felt right."

There was one lady who was doing a tarot reading, and she had such a smouldering intensity that I instantly liked her. She had a way about her, it reminded me of Andy's favorite great aunt, who is 93 years old. Someone who has lived a very long time and seen a great many things, and yet with all this wisdom, still manages to retain her sense of wonder and awe.

May that be me, at age 93. Wise, seasoned, and yet with a sense of wonder and awe.

You know, just a couple of years ago (heck, probaby ONE year ago), I would have scoffed at all this "metaphysical stuff." Today, I am intrigued. I'm even exploring some of it and having a grand time.

Sure, I still think some stuff is bullshit, but maybe I won't in a few years. Check with me later.

It's not like I've got everythig figured out, you know? I'm still learning, always the student and sometimes the teacher.

Here's your QoD:

What are you dismissing that may actually hold some Truth for you if you gave it a chance? Are you willing to open your mind to new possibilities?

Try something new today. :-)


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