Meet My New Executive Assistant
As promised, here is a virtual introduction to my new Executive Assistant.
Meet Mark Semple.

Mark Semple is a Certified Comprehensive Coach, speaker, author and the new assistant to Amy Scott Grant. Inspired by his wife's exodus from corporate drudgery in 2004, Mark began learning about life coaching, internet marketing, copywriting, e-books, and the Law of Attraction. Mark declared his intention to leave the corporate IT world in 2007 and the Universe responded. Mark is originally from England and currently resides in Indianapolis with his wife Cheri, where they insist on having fun in every aspect of their lives.
But the other thing you need to know about Mark is that he has the most delicious accent, and a delightfully wicked sense of humor.
You can contact Mark by emailing him here. It's easy to remember -- Mark @
Welcome aboard Mark, I sure am happy to have you working with me!
BTW, if you have questions about Mark, you can post them here and we'll post answers.
Here's your QoD (Question of the Day):
For a long time, I've wanted to hire an assistant. But I had so many fears around it...fear about what to do if I have someone on payroll and my income drops or I hit a lull? Fear about giving up control...fear about admitting I can't do it all myself...fear, fear, fear. I had to let go of a lot of these fears before I could actually bite the bullet and move forward. Did you know that fear is just imagined anyway? It sure feels real, but it's NOT. I had to give up the luxury of hte illusion in order ot hire someone to help me propel my business forward. And I did!
So your QoD is this:
What have you always wanted, that you're letting the illusion of fear hold you back?
Are you willing to give up the illusion in order to move forward and get what you say you want?
Go for it!
P.S. Did I mention Happy Easter?
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