Monday, May 14, 2007

Does the Law of Attraction REALLY Work?

Does the Law of Attraction really work?

I suppose the skeptics would say no. But I've never cared much for skeptics.

Listen to this:

As you may have heard me mention, we are headed to Australia for a month this summer. It's our absolute favorite country and we are excited to be returning again. (Why do you thikn we named our daughter Sydney? It's no coincidence.)

We had secured a nanny to travel with us for the trip, but she had to back out about a week and a half ago.

Now it's time to buy the plane tickets and finalize all the arrangemetns, so I asked the Universe to provide the perfect nanny.

YEsterday, we were driving to our Unity church and Andy said "we gotta get a nanny for this trip. Do you think we know anyone from church who would be a good match?"

I thought for a moment, and nothing came to mind immediatley, so I said "it'll turn out."

We went to church and Sydney managed to stay mostly quiet (Sally was downstairs in the nursery, watching Veggie Tales and having a blast)

AFterwards, we were hanging out chatting with friends, adn our friend Penny asks Andy what we've been up to. He says "well, we are headed to Australia for a month in June/July and we are looking for a nanny to come with us."

Without any hesitation whatsoever, Penny says "Take me, I'll go."

Andy's eyes got big and round. He starts explaining details, but it was easy to see that Penny had already made up her mind. She was going with us.

What I find most interesting is that just one week prior, Penny had made up her mind that she was going to start traveling. She had no plans, and didn't share this intention with us (until after we invited her to come with us to Australia).

After setting her intention, she decided that if she were going to start traveling, she'd better go shopping and buy some traveling clothes, so that's what she did.

The new clothes are hanging in her closet -- they're so new, the tags are still on.

Now I suppose an "ordinary" person would think it was silly to buy clothes for traveling, if they didn't have any set plans to go anywhere.

But Penny doesn't think like an "ordinary" person. She thinks like I do. Penny understands the power of attraction and intention.

Penny decided she would travel. She took guided action -- demonstrating her commitment and expectation to the Universe. She purchased what she would need for her trips. And then the opportunity presented itself.

Fascinating. Sounds a lot like BE-DO-HAVE to me.

To learn more about BE DO HAVE, check out my new online TV show: Be-Do-Have It All
The show will air on The Manifest Station -- more details will be posted here.

So what does that tell you? Does the Law of Attraction REALLY Work?

I supposed the skeptics would call it coincidence.

But then again, I don't know ANY skeptics who are going on an all-expense paid trip to Australia for a month.

Your QoD:

When you set an intention, are you taking guided action? Or are you just waiting and watching the clock, wonderingt when your manifestation is going to show up?

Go for it. Penny did.


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