Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tourist in Your Own State, Part I - Abundance Lesson

Tourist in your own state, part I - MANITOU SPRINGS, COLORADO

Have you ever taken the time to be a tourist in your own state?

This is something I highly recommend, as the fam and I have been taking this on lately.

Of course, we've only lived in Colorado for about a year and a half, so there is much to explore.

On Saturday, we drove down to Manitou Springs to spend the day. My husband wanted to take new family photos (which you can view on his home business site) and there were a number of rock shops we wanted to visit. We purchased many new crystals and beautiful stones, and are currently choosing hte best possible places to position these in our home. (As you may already know, I've been practicing Feng Shui for awhile now, and experiencing remarkable results).

Manitou Springs is a darling town -- it's near Colorado Springs, on the otehr side of the Garden of the Gods. Manitou is so named for several natural springs in the town, each of which features its own font, open to the public. You can drive up and fill the container (or containers) of your choice with fresh mineral water. Each font has a different flavor, and some are more effervescent than others. (The Iron Springs font tastes like blood, no kidding, but the others are quite delicious.) Some are sweet, some are salty, all are yummy (except the aforementioned Iron Springs).

The first couple of times we visited, it was a sort of treasure hunt for the fonts. No two fonts look alike -- some are adorned with ceramic figures, some are flowing from statues and others feature bronze enhancements. Most are deliciously cool and refreshing.

Why do the font owners make these spring waters available to all?

Well, there is a lesson about abundance hidden in this story.

Apparently, natural springs must flow continuously. As long as the font is allowed to continue flowing, the water will continue to flow. If a natural spring is stopped up, it will cease to produce any more water.


You mean the more water you take, the more there is?

My, my, isn't taht a bit counter-intuitive. You would think that at some point, the water would say "OK. I'm out." and then we'd all kick ourselves for just letting it run all this time. Nope. Quite the opposite.

So of course the good people of Manitou Springs love to share their spring water with you (yes, the same kind of water you pay $8 bucks for in a five-star restaurant). They understand that the more you take, the more there is. The fonts run constantly -- there is no on/off switch (although some springs "erupt" at certain intervals, like every 20 mins or so).

Does money work the same way?

It can seem like the more we spend, the less we have, right? And if we just keep spending and spending, then eventually we'll run out, right?

Well, not if we truly understand that the flow of money is much like the flow of these natural springs in Manitou. There is an unending supply, and we can take all we want...and still have more coming, more than we could possibly use.

Another itneresting fact about these springs is: the water that we get from the spring today is hundreds of years old.


Yes, the water from this natural spring has been traveling from deep inside the earth, adn the water itself usually never touches human hands until it passes your lips on the way down your throat.

How old is money?

More importantly, how old are money struggles?

Hmmm, indeed. Older than that spring water I drank in Manitou yesterday, I'm quite certain.

I had anotehr lesson in abundance yesterday when we visited a rock shop that we love (lapidary is the technical term, if you want to get persnickety).

What about all these rocks, geodes and crystals?

If rock shops keep opening, and people like me keep buying up all the cool crystals, won't we run out at some point?

Yet another example of lack-minded thinking. I don't actually see how we could ever, ever run out of rocks and crystals, no matter how many rock shops open their doors in Colorado or across the world.

Your QoD should be pretty obvious by this point. Where are YOU continuing to see the illusion of LACK as though it's real? Where are you seeing lack in your life, where in reality, there is a wealth of abundance?


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