Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's Not a Secret Anymore

I don't know about you, but I'm growing more than a little bit tired of seeing sales pages everywhere I turn online touting the "secret" to this or the "secret" to that.

For those of us who saw the movie "The Secret" more than 5 minutes ago, these tactics just aren't working.

Are they?

Are you buying products online just because they promise this secret or that secret? I personally am sick and tired of home based business sites with flashy headlines and splashy graphics, self-appointed self-help gurus who are broke and unhappy and a zillion other things I don't need cluttering up my brain space.

I'm done with "old school" marketing tactics.

From now on, you'll only see MY stuff marketed under the "truth in advertising" principle.

I'll tell you what I'm offering, tell you why you can benefit from having it, tell you what other people who already have it think about it, and why I think you need it.

And then it will be up to you to truth test to see if it's optimal for you to buy it.

How's that for personal responsibility?

I won't be coaxing or coercing you into anything.

Truth be told, most times, you already know if you're gonna buy from me BEFORE you even GET to the sales page.

How's that for vibrational marketing?

You won't find any manipulation from me, no matter what the so-called internet marketing gurus are telling me I should do to sell more stuff.

If I say the price is going up in a week, you can bet your boots it'll go up in a week.

If I say there are only 17 copies remaining, then that's what's left and when it's gone it's gone.

OK, don't go dredging up OLD sites of mine, pointing out the obvious old-school internet marketing tactics. I've got a FULL plate of new and very cool things I'm cooking up for you, and I don't see the point in wasting time going BACK through stuff I've already put out there and promoted.

Besides, I know how you think. You're like me -- you want TODAY'S special, whatever is cutting-edge, no-- bleeding edge, and you want the latest and greatest, not yesterday's news. So more than likely, you won't even go through that old stuff, unless I decide to re-market it (at which point, I would likely revamp the marketing strategy).

Why am I doing this?

Because the internet is already far too cluttered with websites from folks who attended one internet marketing workshop and think they can manipulate or mentally muscle people into buying.

and I'm all about authenticity.

I'm all about standing OUT from the crowd.

I'm all about sharing the Truth, as I see it. And that's why I'm teaching you how to ascertain Truth for yourself, so you won't have to be force-fed garbage any longer.

As always, I invite your comments, even if they don't agree with my personal opinion.

And that's the Truth. (at least for me).


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