How to Talk to Your Ego...And Get It To Do Whatever You Want
I absolutely love the work I do, because I just never know where it will lead me. And lately, it's been getting pretty trippy. In a really, really cool way.
I've been having conversations with people's egos. (Including my own.)

Talking to someone's ego is kind of like talking to an abused child, or to a teenager, or to a homeless guy.
They don't trust you, and they're not interested in making small talk. Friendship is not really an option.
But then again, I'm not trying to befriend anyone's ego. It's all about negotiation and partnership. Creating a win-win scenario.
Why would you want to create a partnership with your ego? Here's a few reasons:
1. You get access to deep insights that you wouldn't otherwise have access to
2. Harmony within. You can create a partnership with your ego, instead of trying to make it go away (which it never will anyway) It's kind of like, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
3. Greater access to clearings. Just think how many kingpin beliefs you can uncover when you can pump your greatest spy for information?
4. Power. Your ego is exceptionally powerful, and just imagine what you can do with that power working WITH you instead of AGAINST you.
5. Peace. When your ego gets heard, and its needs get met, it doesn't have to pound you over the head with life's lessons in order to get acknowledged. And the monkey chatter naturally quiets down from there.

It's a rather strange experience. For starters, you kind of step aside and let your ego talk --- which means you have no idea what will come out of your mouth until it comes out. And you might be surprised by your tone, which could sound mean, curt, wounded, or anything else that may shock you.
I think when someone else talks to your ego through you, it must be a little like what it feels like to're sitting there, physically participating in a conversation that you are clearly NOT a part of.
Told you it was trippy stuff. But VERY cool
OK, let's understand a bit more before I show you HOW to talk to your ego.
Consider that the source of all resistance occurs when what your Higher Self (God) is guiding you to is NOT in alignment with what your ego wants and needs.
So if you're like most people, you're trying to appease both. But then nobody wins. You do a little of what your higher self wants, but not full-out because your ego won't let you. Or you go along with what your ego wants, all the while feeling that nudge from your higher self about your highest good and the neglect of your life's work.
If you try to ignore the ego and do what your highest self is guiding you towards, it's an uphill climb. Your ego will create all kinds of crazy situations and drama to hold you back.
If you try to ignore your higher self and do what your ego wants, you'll be safe but miserable. Lonely. Unfulfilled. Dissatisfied. Longing.
So what's the answer?
Shift what your ego believes, to bring it into alignment with what your highest self wants for you.
So easy! So remarkable! So fun!
Usually when you can't clear a belief, it's because your ego won't let go, and that's usually because it's an identity belief, or a belief about who you know yourself to be.
And your ego thinks it IS your identity, so it doesn't want you clearing anything that might make your identity get smaller or disappear completely.
This is the ego's greatest fear.
Now, when you understand what the ego is and how it serves you, you're in a better place to talk to it, and to begin negotiations.

Your ego's main goal is to serve you by protecting you. It takes the identity beliefs, and your entire network of beliefs and uses that as a framework for decision-making and risk assessment.
Your ego wants to keep you from getting hurt, looking stupid, and repeating mistakes. And it is DEAD-SET SERIOUS about its job. We're talking 100% commitment, 24/7, no matter what.
When you understand that, you can begin to step into its shoes and understand where it's coming from. Mutual respect goes a long way when dealing with the ego. Your ego loves you, 100%, even when it feels like tough love, it's still unconditional love. It will protect you at all costs.
So here's the nuts and bolts of how to do an ego conversation:
1. Ask permission. If you remember that your ego has its own agenda, this rule will be easy to remember. After all, you wouldn't walk into your boss' office and just start listing all the reasons why you deserve a raise -- you'd ask if THIS is a good time to talk (might sound like "can we talk?" or "got a few minutes to chat with me?"). This is no different. Essential in ego negotiations.
2. Let the ego know that YOU know it doesn’t trust you. It's outrageously skeptical (that's it's job) and it's thinking it anyway, so you might as well acknowlege it so it doesn't have to sit there and wait for "the catch" the whole time you're talking.
3. Find out what it wants. This will vary for each person and each ego. Some egos want to have fun, others want to be stoic about the job they do, others want to know that they're not hurting you, others want to not work as hard, etc. This is where some good probing questions are helpful. And don't expect your ego to be chatty -- one- or two-word answers are common until you get it talking a bit.
4. Negotiate a win-win outcome. I recommend that you go into the conversation knowing what YOU want. Then you can focus on what the ego wants, and what motivates the ego, and then you can create a win-win situation for you both.
5. Get the ego to commit (verbally, sign a contract, shake hands, pinkie swear, etc.) Remember, the ego is wiley and will do whatever it takes to fulfill its commitment of protecting you. Which means not actually agreeing to something it thinks is dangerous for you. So get it to agree, perhaps by saying, "So can I count on you to be on board with me?"
6. Be authentic and open throughout the conversation – I can't stress this enough, an ego can smell BS a mile away so keep it real. If things aren't going well, and you can't salvage it, just try to end on a good note and ask if you can pick up the conversation at a later time.
Ready to give it a try?
If you want to have me lead you through the experience of a conversation with your ego, visit my website and sign up for a single session. We'll not only talk to your ego, we'll create a partnership that serves you both, and we'll clear some of your most debilitating limiting beliefs -- some of which you may not even be consciously aware of at this moment! And once you experience me doing it with you once you will most likely be able to successfully do it on your own in the future. Well worth the one-time investment!
And if you do try it on your own, why not post your results here? Share with everyone -- these are truly profound experiences.
If you have a truly profound experience, feel free to buy me some crystals using the link below...I've got an upcoming trip planned to my favorite rock shop and would love to bless and think of you as I choose new treasures to come and live with me.
This is truly a wonderful post! It is new and different. I am always looking for ways to bust my core beliefs and this was never one I had even though of! Thanks for sharing this wonderful new method with us! I will be sure to give it a try!
Melanie Joy Vertalino
Hi Amy,
The 1st time I heard of talking to the ego was on your site while listening to the sample session with your client, Neal. I actually got clear of a few of my own beliefs through that session (Thank You!).
I appreciate your ego article because it makes a connection between belief systems and the ego that I would not have made on my own.
I don't deal with my ego too often because I was raised to be a "nice girl" and my ego ain't that nice! My ego is someone I'd hang out with if I let it loose because then I'd get to do all the stuff I always wanted to do without having to take the blame when my ego hurt someone's feelings (actually, I probably would take the blame, being the "nice girl" that I am)...
I'm going to read your article again...
't wait to take this new approach to ego and dissolving the struggle in our lives to a whole new level with you, Amy , in our upcoming class; "Ego Power: Synergize your Inner Team to Create with Ease & Velocity"!
My clients and I have seen such powerful breakthrough's using this and there is so much more being downloaded now!
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