Friday, August 22, 2008

Within 24 Hours, I Had 200 Friends...

Addiction, thy name is Facebook.

For at least a year, I have ignored countless requests to join the social phenomenon called "Facebook."

And this week, I succumbed.

And the reason I caved is as silly (yet understandable) as Facebook itself.

My husband joined a few months ago and said "but honey, I can't add 'is married to...' until you sign up!"

And so it seemed like a harmless request. But little did I know...

within 24 hours, I had 200 friends and had spent about 12 hours on Facebook.
within 72 hours, I had nearly 300 friends and had spent slightly less time online (especially since Thursday was my workday so there was less time available for carousing around Facebook)

My friend Dana (along with my hubby) swears the addiction only lasts about 2 weeks.

We shall see. I will keep you posted.

On the upside, it is an absolute delight to connect with people I haven't seen or heard from in years. To hear what they are all up to, see pix of their adorable children, and remisce about old times -- now THIS is what Facebook is all about.

But I am glad the Olympics are nearly over -- between my new Facebook exploration and these late nights in front of the boob tube, I'm not getting nearly enough sleep!

(No wonder I haven't blogged in a few days, right?)

So if you haven't already, log into your Facebook account, do a search for "Amy Scott Grant" and add me as a friend.

Why not, I mean what else have you got to do? Sleep????


At 8:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot! Now I'm addicted to your blog, too.


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