Money CAN Make You Happy
Seems like every time I turn around, someone is tweeting or blasting out a message to the world that says "money can't make you happy" or "money won't make you happy" but I'm not so sure that's true.
Have you ever seen the look on a teenager's face when they open a birthday or Christmas card and there's money or a check inside?
What about a lottery winner's face when they find out they've won.....even a small amount, like $1000 or $5000.
Ever been to a casino and seen someone hit the jackpot?
What about an employee's face when they find out they just got a big raise or a bonus?
No, I actually think money CAN make you happy.

The trouble is, it doesn't last. When you get some money, it really does make you happy -- but only for a little while. And it's not the sole source of happiness (because, yes, there are at least a few very wealthy people who are unhappy much of the time).
Pursuing money because you're really wanting happiness is like chasing a chicken because you want a steak for dinner. It makes no sense.
But let's take a look at what's REALLY happening when we keep telling ourselves that "money doesn't make you happy."
1. You want money.
2. You like to be happy.
But there's a part of you rationalizing thus: if money doesn't make you happy, then why actually attract it? Maybe it will really just make me UNhappy if I get too much, so I'd better not.
3. Then you're unhappy AND have no money.
See why this doesn't work?
So MAYBE -- just MAYBE -- instead of going around thinking, reading, talking, and believing "money can't make you happy" you could just FOCUS your energy and attention on what really DOES make you happy.
And just let MONEY be MONEY. Stop making it mean happiness or unhappiness. Just let it be what it is: money.
Technorati: 9ie6cnsgrx
You are "right on" Amy in raising this issue. I think too many people have gone out of their way to minimize the importance of money in personal happiness. NOTHING can make a human being happy if that person is intent on being unhappy. However money can make one happy if used correctly. Ultimately, it will be the use/benefit that will contribute to a permanent happiness, but initially getting some money will certainly go a long way toward happiness!
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