Looking to Reverse the Aging Process?
My friend Jen Ripa-Edson and I were talking the other day. Jen is an expert on alternative healing stuff, and she was asking me to check (with Truth Testing) something she had recently heard.

Jen had heard that we can never really FULLY rid ourselves of any virus, bacteria, parasites, illness, etc., that comes into our system; that a tiny part of it will always remain.
As soon as she asked me that, I got an immediate 'download' about aging.
(Check this for yourself of course, using your own Truth Testing method!)
YES, we carry bits of ALL the incompletions in our field. That includes debris from times when we got sick or injured, and then got better, but we never dealt with the emotional impetus that caused the illness/injury in the first place. That includes words left unsaid, wounds left untended, old hurts, traumas, past life incidents, abuse, pain, disappointment, sadness, frustration, loneliness, abandonment, and more.
We may only carry a tiny shard each time, but over time, this really adds up.
How many times in your life, beginning as a baby, have people hurt your feelings? 1000? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000? You are carrying a tiny shard of stuck energy from each incident. Now consider how many prior lifetimes you may have had -- how many times altogether have you had your feelings hurt? And this is just 1 example of a type of wound where we would carry around pain.
You might be thinking "But I'm not walking around thinking about what happened when I was 5 and a kid kicked me on the playground" and I would agree with that. You'd probably be in a mental institution (or maybe a serial killer) if those thoughts were always swimming around in your conscious mind.
I'm not saying you're AWARE of all these pain shards.
I'm saying you're carrying them (mostly unconsciously) in your field.
And our body always reacts to the energy we're holding -- it is a mirror of what we are holding in our energetic fields. So as long as you're carrying around AAAALLLLLLLLL this crap from the past, it's like your body has no choice but to age.
Look, the only reason we age is because:
1 - we carry old stuff in our field, which weighs us down energetically and keeps us from appearing radiant and youthful
2 - we have a TON of beliefs that say aging is part of life, everyone grows old, it beats the alternative, you can do that when you're older, etc.
So if you could complete those old wounds -- dissolve tons of those old pain shards -- and then clear whatever beliefs you have about aging being a necessity -- then doesn't it stand to reason that you could slow, stop, or even reverse the aging process?
Where's the proof, you ask?
I don't have any.
Jen and I just got this info a couple of days ago. But I'm thinking there may be some experimentation coming up. I know Jen's up for it.
Maybe even a teleclass in the works. We shall see.
In the mean time, why don't YOU check in and see if there's any Truth in all of this??
I've just posted a new Truth Testing video I think you're going to like.
AND -- if clearing all those old blocks and beliefs just sounds like too much damn work to bother with, then here's a different approach to reversing the aging process.
My colleague, Susan Schenck, has something very special to offer...
What if you could stop (or reduce) one habit—that of eating cooked food—and reverse/prevent disease, become more beautiful, slow the aging process, enhance your creativity and increase your IQ by as much as 40%? According to authors Susan Schenck, LAc & Victoria BidWell, PhD, that is exactly what happens to many people who eat a diet rich in raw foods.
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